Chris Jordan 学术讲座在美院成功举办
发起人:其他画廊lynne  回复数:2   浏览数:2595   最后更新:2011/05/14 16:31:33 by guest
[楼主] 其他画廊lynne 2011-04-29 15:26:08
展览: 很美的地方

艺术家: 程然

时间: 2011.4.30-2011.5.29
开幕酒会: 2011.4.30 , 5:00pm-7:00pm
地点: 其他画廊 l 上海空间

EXHIBITION: Far Away Beauty Lingers
ARTIST: Cheng Ran
Jin Yangping
Kang Shixin
Li Lei
Lu Lei
Ma Liang
Qiu Anxiong
Sun Yao
Xie Caomin
Xue Song
DURATION: Apr. 30th 2011– May 29th 2011
VERNISSAGE: 5pm-7pm, Apr. 30th, 2011
VENUE: Other Gallery l Shanghai Space
101, Bld9, Moganshan Rd,M50, Shanghai

Far Away Beauty Lingers
世界迫于我们的创造在改变,人类的智慧自持为上帝之手的延伸,自然图纸经由人的立法而呈现为新的图像,在新的图像中我们得到我们的审美满足。世间万物成为文 明盆景中的道具,古诗中的千山万壑与小桥流水蜕变为消费形态下的摆设,升级版的审美要求如操作手册般指导着我们对周身环境的捏造。
The world is changing as man creates; man claims to have acquired God’s wisdom, and transforms the blueprint of nature into new images, from which he gains endless aesthetic satisfaction. Everything in nature is thus reduced to a prop in the miniature garden of civilization. The mountains, gullies, bridges and rivers in ancient poems are now settings for a consumer culture. Man manipulates things around according to the upgraded aesthetic demand serving as an instruction handbook.
Entitled Far Away Beauty Lingers, this exhibition has two connotations: beauty here refers to an aesthetic judgment built under the guidance of reshaped world view and ideology, it is a second-hand reality characteristic of this age. The real beauty, on the other hand, is like memories of childhood parotitis, has become part of the remote past. “Far Away Beauty Lingers” in this context serves as a forever utopia among nightmares of man.
This exhibition features works of different medium from ten artists who were born between 1960 and 1990. In their works they express nostalgia and longing for culture and tradition, or for the imagined childhood world. In a patriarchal world established with man’s great reason, we may want to dive with the artists into the chaos of our sub-consciousness, and rebuild our fantasy of “far away beauty”.

[沙发:1楼] guest 2011-05-09 13:31:05
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