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发起人:嘿乐乐  回复数:12   浏览数:9152   最后更新:2006/12/31 00:00:00 by guest
[楼主] nirvara 2006-12-31 00:00:00
朱屺瞻艺术馆2.26(周日)晚8点:先锋音乐大师艾略特•夏普(Elliott Sharp)来上海演出





作曲家、制作人、声音艺术家艾略特•夏普是碳乐团、构造学、气垫车等等乐队的领导,他被认为是纽约下城场景(Downtown Scene)的创建者之一。作为驻地作曲家、独奏者、乐队领导者、艺术节剧场画廊和俱乐部的合作表演者,他已然周游世界。他开创了分形几何、混沌理论和生物学隐喻在音乐作曲和互动中的应用。他的作品曾被黑森州广播交响乐团(Symphony of the Hessischer Rundfunk)、现代乐团(the Ensemble Modern)、连续介质(Continuum)、巨人四重奏(Kronos Quartet)、时间之痕(Zeitkratzer)演奏,他的合作者包括qawaali(14世纪起源于印度的伊斯兰宗教音乐)歌唱家Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan、剧作家Dael Orlandersmith、大提琴革新者Frances-Marie Uitti、科幻作家Jack Womack和Lucius Shepard、布鲁斯传奇人物Hubert Sumlin、爵士大师Sonny Sharrock、Arthur Blythe、Jack deJohnette、Oliver Lake、唱盘演奏家DJ Soulslinger和Christian Marclay、北摩洛哥传统音乐家族“酋酋卡音乐大师”的领导者Bachir Attar……
夏普的新唱片包括吉他独奏作品集《求平方》(Quadrature)、和法兰克福广播乐团合作的《召唤》(Calling)、为弦乐四重奏和电脑而作的《种子的散播》(Dispersion of Seeds)、气垫车乐队的《秘密生活》(Secret Life)、电影《塞巴斯蒂安梦到了什么》(What Sebastian Dreamt)和《公社》(Commune)的原声唱片。1978年他创建了zOaR唱片厂牌,专门发表他制作的广受好评的合辑《周边视力》(Peripheral Vision)和《联合之国》(State Of The Union)以及其他激进音乐。
夏普最新的音乐剧作品《Binibon》,是和科幻作家Jack Womack合作,为2005年的纽约嚎叫艺术节(Howl Festival)委托创作的。

Elliott Sharp began playing the piano at six. According to Sharp, he was performing concerts by age eight. Sharp claims that his parents wanted him to be both a concert pianist and a scientist. He gave up piano, first in favor of the clarinet and then the guitar. His interest in science led him to build his own effects boxes for the instrument. He became intrigued with all types of experimental music, from contemporary classical to free jazz and sophisticated rock. Sharp studied anthropology at Cornell, where he played in a band and took an electronics class with synthesizer inventor Robert Moog. At Bard College he studied with free jazz pioneer Roswell Rudd (future Lounge Lizards John and Evan Lurie were classmates). He went to graduate school in Buffalo, where his academic advisor was Morton Feldman. He moved permanently to New York City in 1979, where he played gigs at various underground performance spaces, including the notorious Mudd Club. In the '80s Sharp became a major figure on the downtown New York experimental music scene, collaborating with many of it's most prominent players, including John Zorn, Wayne Horvitz, Bobby Previte, and Butch Morris. Over the years, Sharp has led his own bands more often than not. His music draws upon the wide range of his influences, from Coltrane to Zappa to Xennakis and beyond. An improviser at heart, Sharp's compositions tend to be quite loose, allowing plenty of room for the musicians to roam. Among his recent projects is the blues/hardcore/free jazz hybrid Terraplane, with bassist Dave Hofstra, saxophonist Sam Furnace, and drummer Sim.

[沙发:1楼] 箱子 2006-02-20 13:11:42
[板凳:2楼] nirvara 2006-02-21 03:29:57
Upcoming concerts

February 2006 Elliott Sharp - Concerts in Beijing, China
23 Thursday: What Bar, with Jeffray Zhang and Shen Jing
24 Friday: Dos Kolegas, solo
25 Saturday: Yugong Yishan, with Jeffray Zhang and Shen Jing

26 Sunday - concert added in Shanghai! for info: [email]subjam@gmail.com

27 Monday - talk at CEMC - China Electronic Music Center
Central Conservatory of Music - Beijing 100031 China
URL: [url]http://cemc.ccom.edu.cn
Tel: 6642-5742
for info: [email]ken@ccom.edu.cn

for more general tour info:
英文姓名:Elliott Sharp

  Elliott Sharp可能是紐約Downtown派僅次於John Zorn最電子化與駭人的樂手,喜歡在作品中加入自由爵士樂、民族樂風、搖滾、甚至其他怪異素材,前衛實驗性質濃厚的路線,使他成為紐約派前衛爵士樂手的代表性人物。