发起人:黑手党  回复数:4   浏览数:2075   最后更新:2006/02/22 14:21:26 by
[楼主] 嘿乐乐 2006-02-22 05:52:41

3月1日 – 5月14日2006年

每三年英国泰特美术馆都会举办三年展,展示最新的艺术发展。这次的三年展策展人是Beatrix Ruf,是苏黎世Kunsthalle的总监。她将会带来一个国际对英国艺术界的观点。这次将会有36位艺术家来探讨关于文化材料的在使用及重铸。

Tate Triennial 2006: New British Art
1 March – 14 May 2006

Every three years Tate Britain holds a Triennial exhibition showcasing new developments in recent art. This third Tate Triennial 2006 is curated by Beatrix Ruf, Director of the Kunsthalle in Zurich, who offers an international perspective on the present British art scene. She has brought together thirty-six artists who all explore a significant strand in contemporary art: the reuse and recasting of cultural material.

The exhibition features artists from across different generations who work with a diverse range of media: from film, painting, photography, and sculpture to installation and live work. Many of the works in this exhibition focus on themes of repetition, reprocessing and the appropriation of images and facts, on a spectrum between tribute and pastiche.

Different visual codes and imagery are being combined, often from competing rather than connecting influences, to create highly personal languages. Its forms range from the classic reiteration of motifs, collage and montage to file sharing and digital reproduction. While these approaches are most commonly associated with postmodernism, the Tate Triennial reveals how an entirely new range of possibilities is reinvigorating such processes in current art practice.

Supported by Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation
Media partner: The Independent
[沙发:1楼] 职业顶贴帅哥 2006-02-22 09:14:46
我是职业顶贴的帅哥! 大家伙儿都很喜欢我! 我们的理想是————消灭O回复!!!
[板凳:2楼] 顶贴帅哥老婆 2006-02-22 14:36:53
[quote]下面是引用职业顶贴帅哥于2006-02-22 17:14发表的: