2007-3-31 “接触”国际当代艺术展
发起人:二万五  回复数:0   浏览数:1913   最后更新:2008/01/29 03:10:47 by
[楼主] 二万五 2008-01-29 03:10:47


展览城市: 北京-北京
策 展 人: 亚伯拉罕•鲁贝斯基 满开慧
展览时间: 2007-03-31~2007-04-25
开幕酒会: 2007-03-31 13:00
展览地点: 3+3艺术空间
主办单位: 纽约艺术  3+3 空间
备注: 助理:熊鹰


  “Pivot”——American and chinese artist unite exhibition
The exhibition of “pivot” is art cooperative projects between “NY Arts” magazine and 3+3space, the purpose of this exhibition is to talk bout media and gallery as a role of pivot in art circle. We will try to not use our formerly way to classify them and operate them (including: area、age、gender and so on );but we try to started from art itself ;we accept young artist and pay great attention to them; we give them chance to show their art in order to affirm their creative work and point of view .Although to some extent their work is not mature as we expected, we still wish them could though this exhibition to establish their respective depicted pattern and independent art view——as every independent pivot to show the variety of art..

吉森•道戈拉斯•戈瑞芬、撒拉•斯莫、维特尼•麦克维恩、大卫•希林塔,牟林童、陈蕾蕾、范娅萍、苏碧莲、刘 滨、陈 瑛、游 其、易国栋、闫 珩

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