发起人:之乎者也  回复数:1   浏览数:1572   最后更新:2012/01/31 15:27:33 by 之乎者也
[楼主] 0vGallery 2012-01-31 00:00:00

Chen Xi
Icebreaker, pigment ink and marker on fabriano paper, 70 X 100cm, 2011
Moon Light, pigment ink on fabriano paper, 50 X 70cm, 2011
Rain and Snow and Sand and Wind mixed, pigment ink on fabriano paper, 50 X 70cm, 2011

I provide a seemingly irrational vision. This refers to the irrationality of the world we all live in ¬– how strange it is to be human, to witness the oddity of living. It refers to the idea that life is meaningless and humorous and that societal narratives are simply constructed illusions developed in order to make living palatable. There are lots of things that happen in my drawings, which point towards how we as humans live in an inexplicable condition that is beyond our control.

破冰船,水彩纸上针管笔马克笔,70 X 100cm, 2011
月光,水彩纸上针管笔,50 X 70cm, 2011
雨夹雪风沙,水彩纸上针管笔,50 X 70cm, 2011

[沙发:1楼] 0vGallery 2012-01-31 17:35:41

Monika Lin
Take-Away, rice, resin, masking tape, dimensions variable, 2012

Six years ago, after having encountered grain vendors on almost every block of my neighborhood I began thinking actively about "rice economies." This term refers to countries and regions with low labor costs, as it is labor-intensive to cultivate rice. The vendors in my neighborhood offer various price points, qualities and varieties of rice, all of which brought to mind further questions about the nature of "rice economies" and their specific values and consequences. This eventually led me to the idea of rice itself as a medium.

The neighborhood street vendors who offer quick, cheap street meals in my neighborhood offered another key point of departure in this vein of exploration. These “economy rice” meals, targeting the working population, typically offer anywhere from 10-15 troughs of pre-cooked food including meat, vegetables, eggs and tofu. Customers select a combination, which is served accompanied by a portion of steamed white rice in a Styrofoam container.

In contrast, the plastic to-go containers I have utilized here are used to carry out/deliver food from higher-end restaurants. As a pack-rat, I had amassed a large quantity of them (whereas I would throw away the Styrofoam containers). As I delved further into thinking about the economics of food, I started to experiment with using rice as a medium and the plastic take-away boxes as the containing form. The result is a series of pieces made from mundane materials using a commonplace subject, trees, as a means to explore the tension between perceived high art and a popular/craft aesthetic while addressing themes of waste, the economy and labor, as well as the function of the gallery space.

Monika Lin

六年前,在我家小区,几乎每隔几幢楼就有一家卖米的店,由此我开始思考"水稻经济":在低劳动成本的国家与地区,水稻种植是劳动密集型产业。我家小区的米店供应不同价格、质量与品种的稻米,这让我追问并深思"水稻经济 "的实质及其特定价值与后果。最终,我想到把稻米作为创作的媒材。

小区附近的小街上有很多盒饭店,供应廉价快餐,这在既有线索上给了我又一启发。这些 “水稻经济”盒饭主要面向工薪阶层,一般有10-15种不同菜色可供选择,有荤有素、有蛋有豆腐。食客自己挑选菜色,随意组合,店家把菜盛在泡沫塑料盒里,再加一客饭。


Ji Wenyu and Zhu Weibing, “No one in the Garden of Eden,” mixed media, 310 x 126 x 87cm, 2010

Inside a two-meter tall mosquito net there is a transparent gauze tree. The elongated roots of the tree extend below the mosquito net and almost touch the floor. The topic is “No One in the Garden of Eden.”

After eating the forbidden fruit, we start from innocence and after that, what did we find? It was from this moment that we began to look for struggle, and at the same time greed emerged. God Very wisely predicted that all would not be peaceful under heaven and angrily cast Adam and Eve from Eden. After this Eden retained its innocence, still beautiful, still flourishing, an unending sea of dazzling brilliance. In order to maintain it or to expand its growth, the tree’s roots needed even more nourishment. They became dense and thick, growing down, and growing long. The started to seek, and the more they sought, the more they found, and they became greedy. Nutrients! Nutrients! And this time God was silent.

计文于+朱卫兵,没有人的伊甸园,混合媒材,310 x 126 x 87cm,2010



Ed Pien, Curious Creatures, 87 x 125 cm, hand-cut digital print on arches paper, 2011
Ed Pien, Leap of Faith, 87 x 125 cm, hand-cut digital print on arches paper, 2011

In these two hand-cut digital prints, I continue exploring concerns that I began in this overall series entitled “Blur Cuts.” In the two most recent works, “Curious Creatures” and “Leap of Faith,” there is a note of playfulness. Figures and birds commingle and reside in a natural world where mystery and life forces abound.

Ed Pien,好奇生物,87 x 125 cm,手工剪纸(数码输出),2011
Ed Pien,信仰飞跃,87 x 125 cm,手工剪纸(数码输出),2011
我用这两幅最新的手工剪纸(数码输出)作品《好奇生物》与《信仰飞跃》继续已有系列“模糊剪裁” 的议题,并加入了某种游戏感。人与鸟同居于自然,神秘感与生命力共长。

Shi Jing, White Line, oil on canvas, 60cm, 2006
This work is called “White Line” 2006 (there are 16 in total). These works emerged from a global study of glaciers and oceans. The surface of the water in this work and in all the other 15 works is at the same level. Now this water and these iceburgs have already dispersed to different corners of the globe.

史晶,白线,布面油画,60 cm, 2006


Ge Fei and Lin Zhen, After, Video 3:27 mins, 2008
On the Mongolian Steppes a snowstorm suddenly arises.

葛菲+林缜, 之后,录像,3:27 mins,2008

Chen Hangfeng, It Comes and Goes, stop motion animation, 1:24 mins, 2011

This stop motion animation records the process of making a collage. The images are of different consumer products, that I cut out from free flyers, leaflets, advertisements and junk mail, which I collected during my residency in Sapporo.

Two mirrors are placed at 60 degree angles and it almost looks like these consumer products are worshiping themselves in the manner of the Shinto goddess Amaterasu. Therefore each collage repeats, which has the effect of looking like a snowflake pattern. The work acts as a tribute to Ukichiro Nakaya, who created the first artificial snowflake in Sapporo. But what will happen if there is no snow in the future?"



两面镜子以60度夹角固定,这些消费品宣传的碎片好似正以神道女佛——天照大神的姿态互照膜拜。每段拼贴都有所重复,组合起来看像雪花的图案。这是一件向札幌首片人造雪花的发明者 Ukichiro Nakaya的致礼之作。但,如果未来没有雪了,那会怎样?

Robert Davis, In the Bleak Midwinter, mixed media collage, 75 cm X 54.5 cm, 2012

In the bleak mid winter, frosty wind made moan
Earth stood hard as iron, water like a stone;
Snow had fallen, snow on snow, snow on snow,
in the bleak midwinter, long, long ago.
In the Bleak Midwinter,
Christina Rossetti, text

Shanghai Winter can be at once freezing, rainy and cloudy with glimpses of sun. We tend to hunker down during this time, limiting movement to spending time with friends and watching DVDs.

In this work, I picture Shanghai as a city engulfed in fog, ice and the ever-present cloud of pollution. Throughout the artwork are words and Winter remembrances of friends. These elements transform the city into a serial scene of contemplation. The mountain in the distance is a combination of scenes from North America and China and represents our romantic notions of Winter.

Robert Davis,戚隆冬,综合媒材,75 cm X 54.5 cm,2012

Christina Rossetti作


在这件作品中,我假想上海被雾、冰与污染云烟所吞没。作品中满是纪念友人围炉夜话的只言片语。这些元素将城市转变成一系列可供沉思的景观。远景中的山峦是 北美与中国真实地貌的拼接,象征着几缕冬日的浪漫情怀。

Zhu Ye, Solitude, 70 x 50cm, acrylic on canvas, 2011

There are one or two barely perceptible figures in the center of the painting who look as if maybe they are swimming. In this work I’ve created a scene of peace and solitude which is inspired by a Japanese Zen garden.

朱晔,孤独,70 x 50cm,布面丙烯,2011


Chai Yiming
Untitled, water color and ink on xuan paper with cloth mount, 70 x 100cm, 2010
Winter in Chinese has the connotation of freezing, in a more genteel language we can say that all business has stopped or slowed. The ancients said, “In fall we harvest; in winter we store.” But the word “dong” for winter is also pregnant with the meaning of gathering. The contradictions of life are all present in these seasons. Is there any difference between painting in the winter and painting paintings of winter? Why don’t we let the painting answer that question.

柴一茗, 无题,水墨水彩在宣纸裱布,70 x 100cm, 2010
[板凳:2楼] ovgallery 2012-02-18 13:11:12

[地板:3楼] ovgallery 2012-02-18 13:27:07
