大卫(David Salkin)个展芝加哥开幕
发起人:艺术眼artspy  回复数:0   浏览数:1571   最后更新:2012/04/11 10:27:25 by 艺术眼artspy
[楼主] 展览预告 2012-04-11 10:27:25




地点:德国驻上海总领事馆文化教育处 福州路318号高腾大厦101



协办:BM Space


“YI…YI” –from the Academy of Media Arts Cologne Germany

Lecture + Concert

3pm, 15[sup]th[/sup] April, 2012

@Goethe-Institut Shanghai, Room 101, No.318, Fu Zhou Rd.

Free Entrance

Sponsor: Goethe-Institute Shanghai

Co-organizer: BM Space



We come from the Academy of Media Arts Cologne Germany (www.khm.de). Area including: films, video art, animation, light art, sound, installation, experimental computer science, sculptures, public art and architecture, aesthetics and history of the media.


Who are we? What we are doing?

We are independent individuals, subjects of environment.

Echo Ho / tuned to Site # 定域调音

This title is from a series of concert, called " Tuned to Site # " As a whole, the series mulcted the idea of "Musification of urban landscapes".

Echo Ho will play a set of instruments: A self fabricated hybrid semblance of the ancient Qin from China, which combines traditional acoustic and digital interface in one unique transparent plexiglass body. Like a sensor Box it will enable Echo Ho to make field recordings of inaudible hidden sounds within the city environment, such as electromagnetic field, vibration and wind. The performance thus marks the process of generating action by outlining situations in which sounds may occur the performance in LEAP Berlin is the first of the series in 2012. This series of concerts will continue its tour in April 2012 in Beijing, Shanghai and Hangzhou.


"Coal room" is an audio setup for electronic composition:

A piece of coal is heated up. The heat decomposes the molecular structure of the coal and the electronic conductivity changes accordingly.

Through electrical contacts and amplification this phenomenon is transferred into a tangible and audible level.

Without microphones, just with needles and metal plates noise, clicks, and pulses are withdrawn from the material.

A patch written in Pure Data processes the sound simultaneously into a spatial field of four speakers.

关于我们俩:About Artists
Franziska Windisch
,生于1983, 现工作和居住在科隆和布鲁塞尔。
她的作品和音乐致力于纪录运动的时间和空间,使它成为可感知的形式和移动是一种翻译的过程,Franziska Windisch通过声音视频装置,特定场域表演形式的作品来实践此类翻译。


Franziska Windisch (*1983) lives and works in Cologne and Brussels.

Her work concentrates on the recording of movement in time and space in the sense of formalization and transfer. Various aspects of those translation practices are investigated in audio-visual installations, concerts and site specific performances.


Echo Ho

Echo Ho's artistic approach stretches across the field of acoustic and visual installations, as well as inter-medial live performances and conceptual compositional practice.

Throughout her work she explores underlying artifacts of globalization and urbanization, thereby attempting to define a distinct migrational and mobile identity as well as to ironically reconstitute historical values of her national cultural identity.

Her work has been shown in Center A Vancouver, ISEA 2010, ZKM, Sprengel Museum and Beijing Millennium Dome among others. She has performed at various locations in Europe, China and Canada and is currently working as a member of the artistic / scientific staff in the Academy of Media Arts Cologne Germany.

www.echoho.net,工作生活在科隆和柏林,她的创作方法横跨声音视频装置等领域,涉及多媒体表演到观念性作品的实践。许多她的作品是通过探讨全球化和城市化所相关的文化产物,同时具有讽刺意味的重构她的国家文化认同的历史价值,试图定义一个独特的移民/移动身份。 第二部 表演   2[sup]nd[/sup] PART Concert

定域调音 #是一个系列表演计划,起名定域调音 #。。。意为 声绘城市风景。Echo Ho使用自创的乐器,将古琴和数字音频接口结合到一个透明的有机玻璃的琴身上。通过前期在指定场域的录音采集和制作,包括采录耳朵听不到电磁波场,震动,加上现场的即兴部分,声音的出现取决于可能会出现的情况,从而产生的行动,可遇不可求。。。这个系列的第一场演出实现于德国柏林的LEAP,取材亚力山大广场。
一块燃烧的煤,经热量分解煤分子结构,导致电子电导率发生相应的变化, 通过电子触点和放大这种现象形成的可听形态的量级。
发声方式不用麦克风,只采用针和金属板,再经过pure data 程序的实时处理,观者可以听到由四个音箱同时发声建构的音场。

第一部  讲座  1[sup]st[/sup] PART Lecture
