维克多·平丘克加入“捐赠誓言(The Giving Pledge)”
发起人:艺术眼artspy  回复数:0   浏览数:1683   最后更新:2013/02/21 11:05:43 by 艺术眼artspy
[楼主] OVGALLERYKELIN 2013-02-21 11:05:43




                                                                                                         展览开放:2013年02月23日 - 2013年04月04日

“荒诞帝国”曾用来形容经常在俄罗斯边境及其卫星国内发生的荒谬的事件, 但荒谬也存在于各种不同的领域,从国家、地方、个人到杜撰出来的东西。在这个展览中10位艺术家呈现了他们自身对荒谬的理解, 将现实摆放出来,稍稍扭转它来创造一些熟悉到足以反观我们自身, 同时也足够奇怪以至引人沉思。

在这个展览中的许多艺术家选取现实作为一个出发点:例如克里斯蒂娜∙施米吉尔的奇特的不成比例的回收车, 琳达·杜瓦和彼得·金斯顿的一系列关于耍小聪明的人如何使用非常规技能的采访,梁志和的手语教学录像,特点是包含有许多离经叛道的词汇。钱嵘对中世纪中国文人生活的反思。
艾蓝迪呈现一系列的动物图画小说,题材是小说“克罗诺皮奥和法玛”故事内容是两个社会群体无法和睦相处,而而陈熹用同样的夸张形式、动物和空间生物探索了徒劳这个概念。徒塞温德·布尔带来了两段主题一致的录像,以无生命的玩具为特点以及梅丽莎·汤普森应用陶瓷手指木偶来表达一种在绝望的生存斗争中凄凉的感觉。奥莱恩∙赞娜恩走到街上去寻找用过的废弃物和当地建造类似建筑的材料,半有机物,呼吁我们人类需要合理的分类而最后洪树群展示了奇特的并置:面包长出了晶体。 在这些无数荒谬的幻想的映衬之下,或许实际上的那些看起来并不那么荒谬了。

The term “Absurdistan” was once used to describe the often-nonsensical goings-on within the borders of the USSR and its satellite states, but absurdity can exist in a variety of different realms, from the national, to the local, to the personal to the fictitious. In this show, ten artists present their own visions of the absurd — taking reality and twisting it ever so slightly to create something familiar enough to remind us of ourselves, but strange enough to provoke contemplation.

Many of the artists in this show use reality as a departure point: for instance Christina Shmigel’s strangely-proportioned recycling cart, Linda Duvall and Peter Kingstone’s series of interviews with street-wise people about unconventional skills, Leung Chi Wo’s sign-language instruction video which features some unorthodox vocabulary and Qian Rong’s reflections on the lives of the mid-century Chinese literati.

Ailadi Cortelletti presents a series of animal drawings based on the novel “Cronopios and Famas” about friction between two social groups, while Chen Xi uses equally caricaturized forms, animals and space creatures to make a comment on futility. Savinder Bual picks up the same theme with two video pieces featuring inanimate toys and Melissa Thompson uses porcelain finger puppets to express a feeling of forlornness over the hopeless struggle for survival. Orianne Zanone takes to the streets searching for post-consumer waste and local materials to construct semi-architectural, semi organic objects which defy our human need for rational categorization while Ang Sookoon presents us with strange juxtapositions: pieces of bread out of which grow clusters of crystals. In light of these myriad visions of the irrational and the nonsensical — by contrast, or world on earth looks not so strange after all.

Artists: Ailadi Cortelletti, Ang Sookoon, Chen Xi, Christina Shmigel, Leung Chi Wo, Linda Duvall, Melissa A.Thompson, Orianne Zanone, Peter Kingstone, Qian Rong, Savinder Bual
