关于“格物”,关于“黑” ——“黑-格物组第一回展”的展览后记
发起人:dingfenqi  回复数:1   浏览数:2311   最后更新:2013/04/04 15:28:39 by guest
[楼主] OVGALLERYKELIN 2013-04-04 11:56:27





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从我呱呱落地的那一刻起, 社会便开始通阳性一基本方法将行模式烙印于我的大。哭了,人会注意到应该帮你尿布或喂你。露出可的面孔,大人关注和赞扬你。然而到我上学时,被教坐在座位上分享我的玩具尊重我的同学”,最重要的是听老话”



Holding Pattern

April 7th - May 3rd, 2013

Opening: Sunday April 7, 5-8pm, 2013

OV Gallery Press Release

From the day we are born, society imprints behavior patternsupon us through positive reinforcement. Cry and someone will change your nappyor give you food. Make cute faces and adults will give you attention and praise.Then, when we get to school, we are taught to sit in our desks, share our toys,participate in class, respect our classmates, and, most importantly, to listento the teacher.

Be they good or bad, these habits and patterns become so muchpart of us that we fail to question them. Often we are completely unaware oftheir presence. In “Holding Pattern” a group of artists seek to highlight theseencoded behaviors, to create awareness, and provide strategies. Magdalen Wongexamines issues of gender coding, youth creativity, the possibilities createdby randomness, and the conformity-inducing nature of the media machine. ZhangHao follows this thread by investigating how television and Hollywood act inconcert to re-enforce ideas about brand awareness, beauty standards, and othersocial norms.

Li Haifeng picks up on the mechanisms of conformity, but alsopresents an alternative: the path of individualism. Meanwhile Jiang Guozhepopulates his works with children frolicking in an anarchic fashion in scenescompletely devoid of the trappings of society, which take us back to a naturalstate — a state closer to that from whence we came.
