发起人:rochas  回复数:4   浏览数:2441   最后更新:2013/04/06 16:23:41 by guest
[楼主] spacestation 2013-04-05 18:08:38

空间站 诚邀您莅临“透明性”(1)展览开幕式 2013.4.6  16 : 00 PM

Space Station cordially invites you to the opening of Transparency(1) Group Exhibition on Saturday, 6 April 2013, at 16 : 00 PM.



艺术家 | Artists : 刘卓泉 | Liu Zhuoquan、罗苇 | Luo Wei、贾淳 | Jia Chun、沈瑞筠 | Shen Ruijun、史金淞 | Shi Jinsong、严善錞 | Yan Shanchun、杨鑫 | Yang Xin、张杰东 | Zhang Jiedong、郑江 | Zheng JiangKikuko Tanaka

开幕 | Opening : 2013/4/6   16 : 00 PM

展览日期 | Exhibiting Time : 2013/4/6—2013/5/7

地点 | Venue : 空间站北京市朝阳区酒仙桥路4798艺术区中一街 Space StationNO.4 Jiuxianqiao Rd798 Art DistrictBeijing 100015

T : +86 10 59789671

W : www.space-station-art.com E : spacestationart@163.com




透明性既清晰又模糊,既遮蔽又穿透,既有通过、通达、显露、充分之意,也有朦胧、隐约之态,又有极致、纯粹之精神价值。其多重反复的坐标系统,不同媒介和价值属性的作品在空间中互相叠压,互相渗透,彼此联系,既形成平面的浅景深的呈现,又形成透视关系造成的空间角度。秩序、叠化、层次、界面化,虚空和实体成为一种三维的组织形式。严善錞用硫磺粉和橄榄油实验出的浅腐法铜版画,使一种纤细和柔软的划痕得以在短暂的时间内被隽刻。史金淞用啤酒瓶碎片组成的假山石,使尖锐的伤害转化为赏玩的对象。刘卓泉的玻璃瓶矿物色内画的水滴,使透明这个概念得以在实体和图像的概念中反复。沈瑞筠的多重绢本水墨与铅笔透明薄片的装置,在光和影的互相叠压中穿透。郑江的坦培拉油彩画在透明的基底上,描述戌时即晚上七点至九点,透过海棠花玻璃窗纹样的天空之色。张杰东的布面丙烯描绘了不断扭转的透明空间的三维性,纽约艺术家Kikuko Tanaka的透明唯美而又惊涛骇浪的青春影像,贾淳研制了一种特殊光泽的亚克力材质,杨鑫用生物学切片组合成某种颜色生成的生命物质,罗苇用低低浅浅的材料留存生活的痕迹。艺术家们通过或精确细微,或柔软清淡的笔触,模拟了不断层化、虚化和叠加化的空间体验。透明性并不是仅仅以透明材质作为介质,而是强调彼此渗透而又并不互相破坏的关系,空间成为作品的第三界面。从而彻底激活作为的背景,和摆放其上的作为的物品之间的相互关系,开发对内部空间的整体的连续性。透明性既吸收矛盾,也吸收局部的特异,使展览成为一个连绵的想象的界面。

Transparency (1)—— Press Release

Space Station will present the first group exhibition project this year on April 6th, 2013 —— Transparency1. The exhibition will be on from April 6th to May 7th .

“Transparency” comes from architectural conception which has two kinds: physical  and phenomenal. The physical transparency refers to the perspective effect resulted from material, and the phenomenal transparency could be taken as the polysemia drew from the multiple layers and potential orders in a piece of painting. The physical transparency means comparatively better depth of field, right quality of materials, attention on utilization of light, and simple or few ways of reading. While the phenomenal transparency is shallow depth of field, parallel perspective, stress on the orders and organizing structure of the painting and multiple ways of reading.

As the subject of this exhibition, “Transparency” seems to be clear yet ambiguous, hidden yet penetrating. It carries literal meanings like “through, arriving, obvious and exposed”, appearance as “unclear and obscure”, and the “extreme and pure” spiritual values. The repetitive coordinates as well as the overlapping and penetrating relations between works of different media and nature facilitate both the shallow-depth-of-field presentation and cubical angles formed by perspective relations. Orders, overlaps, ambiguity and physical bodies of work demonstrate a kind of 3D organizing format. Yan Shanchun’s printmaking by using sulfur and olive oil enables a subtle and soft scratch to be permanently carved in a short moment. Shi Jinsong has constructed a rockery work by beer bottle fragments, turning the sharp injury orientation to an object to people's delight. Liu Zhuoquan’s waterdrop painted within the glass bottle repeats the conception of “transparency”. Shen Ruijun’s ink and pencil installation crosses between light and shadow. Zheng Jiang narrates color of the sky seen through a glass window with caval vine pattern between 7 pm and 9 pm with her oil paintings based transparent. Zhang Jiedong illustrates the 3D nature of a rotating transparent space. New York artist Kikuko Tanaka's video work displays the transparent purity and passion of youth time; Jia Chun has invented a new kind of acrylic material with its distinguished light effect; Yang Xin uses biological cut sections to form a life originated from a kind of color; and Luo Wei has saved traces of life by using the light and shallow materials. Those artists have simulated a cascade, obscured and overlapped spacial experience through their precise and subtle, soft and light approaches. Transparency is not just mediation of glass, but refers to the penetrating yet independent relations between. Space becomes the third phase of the art works. It activates the relations between background and subjects, explores the continuity of within the internal space. The transparency absorbs ambivalence and partial uniqueness and it is transparency to have made the exhibition an uninterrupted imaginary interphase.

[沙发:1楼] spacestation 2013-04-09 13:05:34

 “透明性”(1)现场| Space Station “Transparency”Sites


[板凳:2楼] spacestation 2013-04-20 12:15:08


杨鑫 原No.2.1  综合材料91x91cm 2012-2013


杨鑫 原No.2.1  综合材料91x91cm 2012-2013 细节


杨鑫 原No.2.1  综合材料91x91cm 2012-2013 细节


杨鑫 原No.3.10   综合材料21x21cm 2012-2013


杨鑫 原No.3.1   综合材料21x21cm 2012-2013


杨鑫 原No.3.2   综合材料21x21cm 2012-2013


杨鑫 原No.3.3   综合材料21x21cm 2012-2013


杨鑫 原No.3.4   综合材料21x21cm 2012-2013


杨鑫 原No.3.5   综合材料21x21cm 2012-2013


杨鑫 原No.3.6   综合材料21x21cm 2012-2013


杨鑫 原No.3.7   综合材料21x21cm 2012-2013


杨鑫 原No.3.8   综合材料21x21cm 2012-2013


杨鑫 原No.3.9   综合材料21x21cm 2012-2013





[地板:3楼] spacestation 2013-04-20 12:20:27

罗苇《身体翅膀和灰尘》综合材料 30x40cm 2012


罗苇 透明系列 综合材料 20x28cm 2012


罗苇 透明系列 综合材料 32x21cm 2012


罗苇 透明系列 综合材料 50x30cm 2012


罗苇 透明系列 综合材料 55x30cm 2012


罗苇《冷记忆》综合材料 30x30 2012


罗苇《身体翅膀和灰尘》综合材料 14x20cm 2012


[4楼] spacestation 2013-04-20 12:32:28


贾淳《Rayon 曲》木材、亚克力、不锈钢 183x90x65cm 2012

[5楼] spacestation 2013-04-20 12:36:18


沈瑞筠《春》墨、蛋彩、绢 120x172cm 2008


沈瑞筠《故事发生在山的那边》透明薄片、铅笔、木板 120x160cm 2008




沈瑞筠《快乐的漫步》透明薄片、铅笔、木板 43x36cm 2008




沈瑞筠《这边风景独好》透明薄片、铅笔、木板 43x36cm 2007-2013




[6楼] spacestation 2013-04-20 12:39:14


郑江 《戌》 综合材料 510x160cm 2013


郑江 《戌》 综合材料 510x160cm 2013 细节


郑江 《戌》 综合材料 510x160cm 2013 细节


[7楼] spacestation 2013-04-20 12:41:55


张杰东 Allodoxaphobia 125×150cm 布面丙烯 2012


张杰东 漂浮的空间No.1 160×135cm 布面丙烯 2011


张杰东 漂浮的空间No.2 160×240cm 布面丙烯 2011


张杰东 日复一日 140×200cm 布面丙烯 2013


张杰东 夜阑静 150×130cm 布面丙烯 2011    


[8楼] spacestation 2013-04-20 12:44:24

刘卓泉《透明性》展览 装置二  玻璃瓶、不锈钢 2010


刘卓泉《透明性》展览 装置二  玻璃瓶、不锈钢 2010 细节


刘卓泉《透明性》展览 装置三  玻璃瓶 2013


刘卓泉《透明性》展览 装置三  玻璃瓶 2013 细节1


刘卓泉《透明性》展览 装置三  玻璃瓶 2013 细节2


刘卓泉《透明性》展览 装置一  玻璃管、不锈钢 2013


刘卓泉《透明性》展览 装置一  玻璃管、不锈钢 2013 细节1


刘卓泉《透明性》展览 装置一  玻璃管、不锈钢 2013 细节2


[9楼] spacestation 2013-04-20 12:47:43

史金淞 《打开的花园》 装置 尺寸可变 2013


史金淞 《打开的花园》 装置 尺寸可变 2013 细节1


史金淞 《打开的花园》 装置 尺寸可变 2013 细节2

