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[楼主] 地一现场LOOK ART 2013-05-04 11:38:29


——辛云鹏 个展

展期:  2013-05-02 ~ 2013-05-25



“hello, world”通常是计算机程序员需要编写的第一个程序,也是辛云鹏在“地一现场”个展的题目。


无论是在哪个世界或者异次元空间,世界都是如此美好,我们可以站在这扇门口说声:“Hello World!”

【对话】——hello, world


石玩玩=石   辛云鹏=辛


石: 第一个问题,为什么是“hello, world”?

辛: 关于这个题目,是借用以前初学计算机编程语言时的第一句话,就是:hello, world。我是想通过这个展览,让大家看到这扇门,同时能够让另外一个想象出来的事物显现。

石: 对于你来讲这扇门是什么?

辛: 对于我来讲这扇门是被捏造出来的世界,从技术层面上来看,绿色最不接近人的肤色,因此它最容易被提取出来。比如看到某些电影——演员只是在那个绿幕世界里表演,而电影上映后他们背后变成了森林或者古堡。它形成了一个空间的延伸。

石: 就这扇绿色的门,你是想提供这个绿色的通道,站在门口的观众想去到哪儿或者想替换成什么这是观众自己的事?

辛: 对,我希望观众有这种想象。

石: 我理解是这样的不知道对不对,从物理层面上这个门是关着的,也就是观众走到本来是可以打开的门前面,他走不通。但是因为门被涂为绿屏,实际上,虽然你进不了一个物理属性的门,但是因为绿屏技术它可以让你打开另外一个——就是你可以通过这个打不开的门去到任何全世界你想去的地方。那么这个门的象征意义就非常的充分。

辛: 对,我觉得象征意义就是在这块,这块比较文学化。


石: 那为什么照片里是你的奶奶呢?

辛: 我把这张照片看作“说明书”。通过这个简单的技术把我的奶奶“带到”圣城麦加,从而告诉观众这个抠像的方法是很有效的,是一件容易做到的事。况且我也比较清楚奶奶她有这个愿望——能够去麦加一趟。我觉得奶奶看了最终的“合成照”应该挺乐呵的。

石: 绿色跟你的宗教背景有关系吗?

辛: 其实没什么关系。我家族里的人比较偏爱白色、黑色和绿色,这个并不完全是宗教原因,其实有点像家族传承下来的趣味。


石: 这是一个新的实验性空间,你又作为第一个展览展出,并且展出的是这么一个相对比较实验的一个作品?你会不会担心观众来的人比较少?

辛: 其实我做的不是实验艺术,我觉得你做的也不是实验艺术,实验艺术本身是有问题的,标榜实验似乎谁都可以。而我们无非就是把自己想做的艺术或者想表达的那个东西,通过这么多年已经渐渐形成传统的造型语言表现出来,我觉得其实是一件很见功底的事情,并没有太多实验性质。另外,我总觉得考虑别人越多,作品反而容易不通畅,作品结构上也容易做得不坚决。


Xin Yunpeng, after painting the door of exhibition space with the film chroma key green, brings his grandma to the green door and takes a picture for her. Grandma's dream finally comes true thanks to the digital image processing which combines grandma's image and Macca scene.

【视频 Video】



——XIN YUNPENG Solo Exhibition

Duration: 2013-05-22 ~ 05-25



“hello, world” is normally the first program to be written by a computer programmer, which is also the title of Xin Yunpeng's solo exhibition in "LOOK ART SPACE" .

With a magical green door, he closed a world and opened another world before us. No matter in which world or in an extra dimensional space, the world is so beautiful.

Standing before this door, we can say  “Hello World!”.

【LOOK ART TALK】——hello, world

By Shi Wanwan

Shi Wanwan=Shi   Xin Yunpeng=Xin

hello, world

Shi: My first question: why name it “hello,  world”?

Xin: This title—hello, world— was borrowed from the first sentence when I came into contact with computer program language. I want people to see this door and make another envisioned image appear through this exhibition.


Shi: What does this door mean for you?

Xin: For me, this door is a man-made world. Technically, green is the most distant color from people’s skin, and thus easy to protract. For example, in some movies, actors just play againt a green curtain that turns into forests or castles after the movies were released. They formed an extension of space.

Shi: So you want to provide this green door for people, but it’s entirely up to them to decide where to go or what does that stand for?

Xin: Yes, I hope viewers have freedom to imagine.

Shi: I don’t know whether my understanding is right. From my perspective, this door is closed in its physical sense, which means viewers can not get through it. But since it’s colored green, you can open this door to reach anywhere you want to go throuth this technology though you can’t enter it physically. In this sense, this door has plenty of symbolic meanings.

Xin: You’re right. It resmebles literary symbolic meanings.


Shi: Why is your grandma in the pictuer?

Xin: I see this picture as a “manual”. This simple technology has “brought” my grandma to Mecca, the Holy City. Through it, I want to tell viewers that this is an effective and easy method. And I know my grandma had always wished to go there. I’m sure she would be glad if she sees the final “pasted pictuer”.

Shi: Is green related with your religioius backgroud?

Xin: Actually, it’s not. My family has a preference for white, black and green. It’s more like inherited interests than out of religious considerations.


Shi: This is a new experimental space. As the first one to do it with relatively experimental works, do you worry that there will be few viewers?

Xin: Actually, I didn’t do experimental art and I don’t think you did that. The definition itself is dubious. It seems everyone can boast experiments. But in fact, what we did was just to demonstrate the art we want to do or express through style language accumulated over these years, which I think is quite skill-testing with little experimental qualities. What’s more, I always believe that the more you think about others, the more obtuse your works will be and the less determined the structuers will become.


【现场 Exhibition View

【开幕 Opening】


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