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发起人:王艺盟  回复数:0   浏览数:1979   最后更新:2014/06/20 21:46:38 by 王艺盟
[楼主] 号外号外 2014-06-20 21:46:38


44届巴塞尔艺术博览会期间,德国Distanz出版社将出版发行第一本关于艺术家徐震的中英文专著,该书由墨虎恺(Christopher Moore ,作家,出版人以及燃点在线的联合创办人)编辑。艺博会沙龙单元为此特别举行新书发布座谈会。

此次座谈将由田霏宇(Philip Tinari,北京UCCA的总监)主持,座谈成员包括墨虎恺,李振华(策展人),何思衍(Daniel Ho,燃点编辑以及联合创办人)。

本书汇集了大卫·艾略特(David Elliott, 墨虎恺和菲利普·皮洛特(Phillippe Pirotte)的文章以及李振华的一篇采访,重点集中在徐震的事业初期一直到2009年他将自己的身份归入到公司团体”没顶”(MadeIn Company)。书的附录还介绍了“没顶”最近纳入的新品牌“徐震”。

On the occasion of the 44 edition of Art Basel, a panel discussion at Salon will be held to launch the first monography ever published on Xu Zhen by German publishing company Distanz.

The talk will be moderated by Philip Tinari (director of UCCA Beijing) and panelists will include Christopher Moore (writer, publisher and co-founder of Randian-online), Li Zhenhua (curator), Daniel Ho (editor & cofounder of Randian)

With essays by David Elliott, Christopher Moore, and Philippe Pirotte as well as an interview with Li Zhenhua, this book focuses on his early career until 2009, when he subsumed his identity within the corporate-collective “MadeIn” (in Chinese “No Roof”), and with a postscript on MadeIn’s recent adoption of a new brand —\ “Xu Zhen.” This book was edited by Christopher Moore and published by Distanz.

《彩虹》,1997 -1998,投影,DVD播放器,彩色立体声

Rainbow, 1997-1998,Video


8848-1.86, 2005, Video

《香格纳超市》, 2008/2014,收银机、柜台、货架、冰箱、冰柜、塑料袋、海报、各种消费品,可变尺寸

Shanghart Supermarket, 2008/2014, Cash register, counter, shelves, refrigerator, fridge, plastic bags, posts,multiple consumer products, Dimensions variable


All pictures are illustrations from the book




Distanz is a new publishing company based in Berlin. Distanz Publishing releases books and exhibition catalogues on the visual arts as well as photography, architecture, design and fashion of the 20th and 21stCentury. Distanz Publishing produces artist’s monographs and Anthologies in collaboration with prestigious editors and authors. Distanz Publishing cooperates with leading international museums and institutions.

时间:2014620日 下午6点到7点

地点:Messe Basel 1号展厅,瑞士巴塞尔

Date & Time: June 20, 6pm. to 7pm., 2014

Location: Messe Basel Hall 1, Basel, Switzerland
