发起人:ionly  回复数:5   浏览数:2806   最后更新:2007/05/09 10:20:13 by
[楼主] 丽江工作室 2007-05-01 20:09:59

问:丽江工作室(丽) 答:Stephan & Sylvia(S&S)

S&S: 这个场介入事件是由两件印象深刻的事情引起的:我们见到一头猪被很短的绳子拴着——虽然我们知道这里的猪在农村的生活比世界各地养猪厂里的猪要好得多,但是我们还是很同情它。又有一天我们看见一个人坐在街头面前还写有一些字。这种把自己的故事放在公共场所的方式吸引了我们。后来我们有了把这两个事情结合起来的想法:把这头猪的故事带入到公共场所里。要把这个想法实现是有挑战性的,因为整个过程最终怎么呈现都是无法预知的。目的和我们大部分介入事件一样,为的是创造一个无法简单归类并且提出许多问题的,异常与复杂的情境。为的是把非常普通的元素通过特殊的组合来产生一个意外的瞬间。
S&S: 德语里的两个术语与这个介入事件有联系。当某人身处一个可怜情境下就会被称为“可怜的猪”。“把某人缚在一根短链上”是指剥夺某人的自由。只有在城市里把猪和文字放在一起才有意义,围观的人才会多。
S&S: 我们认为观众的反应很不同。有的在笑,有的往盒子里投钱,有的问我们问题。艺术的本质不是也无一定论么?如果每个人都提出他们自己的问题并且不得不去寻找他们自己的答案,那这个介入时间我们就算成功了。


Q:LijiangStudio(LS) A:Stephan & Sylvia(S&S)
Apr. 2007

LS: What’s the purpose of this performance?
S&S:This intervention arose from two impressive observations:We have seen this pig on a very short rope and although we know, that the pigs here in the country side are having a much better life than the pigs in the “meat-factories” all over the world, we took pity on it. The other day we saw a man sitting on the street with some writing in front of him. This way of putting one?s own story into public space was attracting us. At a certain point we had the idea to combine these two observations: to bring the pig?s story into public space. It was challenging to make this idea become real, because it was so unpredictable how the whole process would turn out in the end. The purpose, like in most of our interventions, is to create an unusual and complex situation that can not be easily classified and that raises many different questions. To create a surprising moment by the unusual combination of rather usual components.

LS: There always some political thinking behind your work. Why you chose the pig to join your performance this time? And it happened in the urban but not countryside, what do you think about that?
S&S:In the German language there are two terms which can be related to this intervention. Someone who is in a pityful situation can be called a “poor pig” (ein armes Schwein). And to “keep someone on a short leash” (jemanden an der kurzen Leine halten) means to deprive sombody of his or her freedom. Displaying the pig together with the writing only makes sense in the urban space, where lots of people gather to see it.

LS: Many people don’t understand your work and they laughed at you. What you prefer to explain to the people about your work?
S&S:To us the reactions of the audience were quite different. Some were laughing, others put money into the box or were asking us questions.
Isn?t it the nature of art that there is no final interpretation? If each single person rose his/her own questions and had to find an individual interpretation the intervention has been successful for us.
[沙发:1楼] guest 2007-05-05 05:45:51