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[楼主] h2arts 2007-07-04 11:45:35

“客厅” 王俊个展


开幕:2007年7月06日 晚7:30



"Living Room" Wang Jun Solo Exhibition

Curator: Bao Dong

Opening : 7:30pm, 06/07/07

Time : 07/07/07-13/07/07
Venue : H2 Art Space, 501Contemporary Art Center, Chongqing, China
Hosted by : H2 Art Space

以客厅作为主题的理由是多层次的。王俊的作品本身就是一个被拆解的客厅:被割开的地面,几近坍塌的吊顶,倾斜的顶灯,以及散落于展厅的日常摆设。在这个层面上,客厅是一个人们熟悉的日常空间,是悄无声息的生活现场,或许,Living Room应该被翻译成起居室。然而,王俊对这个空间支离破碎的处理却使它远离了我们日常生活的经验,使他变得陌生,进而成为被审视的对象。





[沙发:1楼] h2arts 2007-07-12 10:14:17
[板凳:2楼] etc 2007-07-14 05:35:48







[地板:3楼] etc 2007-07-14 05:36:26
Livingroom: Abandoned impression

Wang Jun have displayed his "living room" in Chongqing H2 art space ——Splitting floorboards are covered with thick dust;sewage is percolating through the old ceiling;light is dark and gloomy; the rusty thumbtack is seizing the calendar’s shabby body and the chink in the floor is tucked by cockroach’s corpse……

At present,the housing becomes most important consumption in China and everybody is busy migrating, buying or selling a house. People are focused on the room overnight. Moving and deserting become Metro’s new myth beyond all things on earth merely.

To be “the family foreign affairs office”, living room should be bright and clean social occasion. At the same time, acted as personal friend or relatives’ space for exchanging, living room must be warm and comfortable. So, with the double inclinations——opening and concealing,living room is a grey space in people’s daily life and a mirror to the changing of the daily life. Wang Jun has created the shabby living room to reveal people’s shout and whisper in real life.

The living room is a minitype social platform that people build for confiding and listening. Therefore, the extinction of old living room means the die of the old-fashioned way of communication. Living room is more and more comfortable and gorgeous; people are enjoying the pleasant sensation that various luxury goods brings about and building the relationship upon the delight of the sense organ. But seeing though the pleasant illusion, people's inner world is more and more indifferent and diaphragmatic, while the indifferent and diaphragmatic prompted people to fill the gap in the communication with more wealth and more organs’ pleasure hardly.

With great effort, the artist took away the daily life articles, dismantled all the communication implements and revealed the heavy ,intricate and obscure core of communication that concealed by warm and sweet superficies. Facing the art work, we can recognize that the souls get lost during pursue of space for body diligently and tirelessly. The process of livingroom’s depressing is the history of people’s solitary inner.

Living room built by Wang Junwork is about a concept of space, while it expresses the attitude to time that similar to another concept: “Recall”. Tarkovsky said ,“Recalling is a spirit concept”and“That who loses memories will become the phantom prisoner ". The residual marks in the livingroom are cold and heavy symbols of time that represent some image in one’s recall. It expresses not only the elapse of the time, but the artist’s attitude to oppose the elapse. Finally, the outer space replaces inner feeling, and life space replaces inner space, and particular language replaces personal language.

Reproduceing the abandoned rubbish, Wang Jun’s work not only witnesses the remains that those would be fade away soon, but the human being’s rude action of abandon. The shabby space evokes audiences' memory that opposes the public’s amnesia. It becomes higher limitation that makes the work unfolds from the historic meaning beyond the narcissistic personal sentiment.
[4楼] etc 2007-07-22 14:12:07
[5楼] guest 2007-07-22 21:28:32