发起人:小r  回复数:0   浏览数:2714   最后更新:2007/11/17 03:33:14 by 小r
[楼主] 小r 2007-11-17 03:33:14

★    亚洲策展人、艺术家对话









对话艺术家:Tan Nan See(马来西亚)、Ho Tzu Nyen(新加坡)

Soft Power educational events:

★    Artist talk: Curators VS Artists

Time: 17&18 November 2007, 2pm

Venue: Zendai Museum of Modern Art

Theme: Soft Power and Contemporary Art Practice

The talk between four artists and two curators will present the states of Asian contemporary art and development tendency, and discuss its identity.

Key word: Dialogue, Asian, Contemporary

Part I: Chinese artist talk

Master: Shen qibin

Artist: Qiu Zhijie, Song Dong

Part II: Foreign artist talk

Master: Biljana Ciric

Artist: Tan Nan See(Malaysia), Ho Tzu Nyen(Singapore)



★    特别呈现:泰国艺术家Vasan Sitthiket皮影戏证大专场演出



Vasan Sitthiket的作品让我们看到了一个活跃的政治背景,东南亚各国在这个背景中努力去寻找它们自身文化认同的平衡。Vasan Sitthiket 是一位政治不公正的积极批评者,他用充满激情的方式将政治现实与对生命的人道主义连接起来。Vasan Sitthiket 将传统的皮影戏文化与今日的当代文化综合起来。在现实中,Vasan Sitthiket用传统戏剧作品评价人类的处境。就像古时候的弄臣,他用幽默来传达非常严肃的潜在问题。

这件作品以皮影戏的形式来呈现世界政治大人物。正如任何一个戏剧表演一样,这其中有浅层信息也有深度信息。观众们看到的是一场有趣的表演,但他们也顺便观看了令人难忘的对真相的阐释。Vasan Sitthiket的作品既朴素又复杂,引人入胜。他的整个思考都闪耀着对人性的基本信念。


预约或了解详情请致电13482609487 王笑荆,或请发送邮件至[email]xjrire@yahoo.com.cn

★      Special Event: Shadow Play from Thai artist Vasan Sitthiket

Time: 18 November 2007,6pm
Venue: Shanghai Zendai Museum of Modern Art

The work itself takes a form of shadow puppets that are representations of major political proponents in the world, which shows an active political context. South East Asian countries are struggling to find balance in its cultural identity. Like any theatrical performance there is the surface interpretation and underlying message. The audience is presented with an entertaining show, however, what they walk away with is an interpretation of truth, which is difficult to forget. Vasan Sitthiket combines aspects of traditional shadow puppet culture with the contemporary cultural commentary of today. In reality Vasan Sitthiket is using a long tradition of theater production to comment on the human condition.

Free entry, but advanced registration is required.

For registration or further inquiries please email us to [email]xjrire@yahoo.com.cn or call 13482609487 Michelle