发起人:弥撒  回复数:1   浏览数:2197   最后更新:2007/12/07 10:39:13 by
[楼主] 弥撒 2007-12-07 06:03:39
相比艺术名作《红》来说,这个画廊里的《橙》、《绿》、《蓝》等作品都是可以饮用的。Hannes Broecker 策划了这场展览,内容是九幅可提供饮料的非静态画作,画框里的材料是各种颜色的鸡尾酒。

Forget about wandering through an art gallery and wondering if you’re the only one who has no idea what anything means.  Hannes Broecker has brilliantly invited the cultural elite to grab a glass at an exhibition in Dresden, Germany, and drink away the art. 

Regardless of what we do or do not understand about art, we can all agree, it stimulates our senses.  Broecker has aroused our sense of taste (not to mention eliminated the need of elbowing our way to the bar) by hanging flat, glass containers with a variety of cocktails in the exhibition space.  As the night progressed, the levels of the multi-coloured infusions diminished.  By the end of the event, the art, itself, ran dry, and empty drinking glasses were returned to where they were originally placed. By Andrew J Wiener.
[沙发:1楼] 面面 2007-12-07 10:39:13
简单思考  快乐生活