硬核广州:离岸 Cantocore: Free On Board
发起人:dmh  回复数:0   浏览数:1206   最后更新:2009/02/17 01:39:25 by dmh
[楼主] dmh 2009-02-17 01:39:25


这个展览是车库双年展(The Garage Biennale)、制造者(The Fabricatorz) 和乒乓空间的合作项目。

地点:MISSION 17, 2111 Mission Street, Suite 401, San Francisco, CA
展期: 2009年2月13日-4月18日

参加艺术家:JD Beltran, 方璐, 王铬, 美早子, David O. Johnson, Guy Overfelt, Jon Phillips, 林芳所, 周滔, Katherine Worel, 黄小鹏.

策划:方璐,Justin Hoover, Jon Phillips

”硬核广州:离岸“ 是一个合作项目的第二部分, 通过来自美国旧金山和中国广州艺术家之间的交换,探讨全球状况下的当代文化。

这个合作计划的启发和命名:“硬核广州”,来源于广东省快速的经济、社会和文化变迁,嘻哈(HIP HOP) 盛荣,重金属摇滚充斥着空气,艺术市场发展迅猛。在过去的20年中,像广州这样的城市,其变化从有着独特的地方文化,到受全球城市的影响和各种形式(的外来文化)的再现。在相同时期中,中国艺术家已经在全球范围内发挥着日渐明显的作用;并且或许,太平洋边没有另一个地方像加州一样,美籍华裔从一开始就在那里充当着重要的角色。艺术和文化不再被国家边界所定义-如果它们曾经有过的话-然而文化差异依旧,这提供了有价值的张力,有批判性和创意可能的丰富性。



The shipping container has arrived from Guangzhou to San Francisco! Here is the show announcement.

Cantocore: Free On Board

This exhibition is a collaboration with The Garage Biennale, The Fabricatorz, and Ping Pong Gallery, China
Opening Reception, Friday, February 13, 6 - 9pm

Participating Artists:
JD Beltran, Fang Lu, Wang Ge, Misako Inaoka, David O. Johnson, Guy Overfelt, Jon Phillips, Lin Fang Suo, Zhou Tao, Katherine Worel, Huang Xiaopeng.
Curated by Fang Lu, Justin Hoover, Jon Phillips


Cantocore: Free On Board is the second installment of a collaborative project, exploring the globalized conditions of contemporary culture, through an exchange specifically between artists from the San Francisco Bay Area and Guangzhou, China.

The collaboration takes its inspiration and its name, “Cantocore,” from the rapid economic, social, and cultural changes currently taking place in Canton province. Hip Hop is thriving, heavy metal music is blasting, and the art market is booming. Over the last 20 years, cities such as Guangzhou, the capital of Canton, have changed from having a uniquely Chinese culture into global cities influenced and informed by diverse forms of representation. During the same period, Chinese artists also have exerted a growing influence on culture across the globe - and perhaps nowhere more than here on the Pacific rim of California, where Chinese Americans have played a central role since its inception. Art and culture is no longer defined by merely national boundaries - if it ever was - and yet cultural differences persist, providing productive tensions, rich with critical and creative possibilities.

Cantocore works to explore these globalized conditions of contemporary culture and the possibilities they present, by cultivating the dialogue specifically between the Bay Area and Guangzhou. Artists involved in the project include, among others, Americans with roots in China, Chinese who have come to study and work in San Francisco, and Americans who have emigrated to China. The first installment of the project, titled Cantocore: Import / Export, took place in September 2008 at the Ping Pong Space in Guangzhou. Cantocore: Free On Board provides the follow-up response.

What common concerns inform these artists work? How does their art nevertheless read differently across the globe? How do the histories and environments of each city inform the aesthetics of the work produced and presented there; and how does the work transcend its geographic origins, drawing aesthetic and conceptual influence from elsewhere?
