发起人:qiushengxian  回复数:26   浏览数:4599   最后更新:2009/08/29 16:30:13 by guest
[楼主] qiushengxian 2009-05-03 15:12:01



基于此,我选用了中华民族自五代以来最受喜爱的一位宗教人物形象—— 布袋和尚(也称“弥勒”)作为创作的原型。我画作的基本形象分“胜贤弥勒”和“胜贤娃”两个部分。之所以称之为“胜贤弥勒”和“胜贤娃”,是因为在形体上我进行了全新的塑造和处理,并且在艺术上也为它赋予了新意,有明显的当代气息。实际上,它是我创造出来的一个地地道道的艺术化形像。我不是佛教徒,但我非常喜爱读有关佛教的书籍和观赏佛画艺术。我去过敦煌、麦积山、云岗以及龙门石窟等地考察,也现场临摹过一些雕塑和壁画。我思想上更多的是把它作为一门优秀的民族文化,一种了不起的精神载体。




Introduction of Qiu Shengxian’s Works
Qiu Shengxian was born in Shangtang, Jiangxi Province, 1955 and graduated from Jin Dezhen Art Academy in 1982. He is now under exclusive contract of a Gallery--- OutstandingArt Shanghai.

In history, Buddha Bodhisattva Maitreya is typically pictured with either both feet on the ground or crossed at the ankles, seated on a throne, waiting his time. He regards all living beings with compassion and is foremost in the perfection of patience. Maitreya is the symbol of great love, happiness and harmony in traditional Chinese culture. And in Qiu’s works, he has fully embodied these features.

Looking at Qiu’s paintings, the audience is always struck by his strong visual contrast and deeply touched by the peaceful laughter. However, Qiu presents not only the feature of Maitreya but also philosophic enlightenment and a pursuit for the true meaning of life. Mother and child images fill in the whole picture, representing the most beautiful form, that of the human body and the most selfless love, that between a mother and her child.

The artistic style of Qiu Shengxian has unparalleled aestheticism. Integrating his experience in disciplines such as sculpture, calligraphy and Chinese traditional painting, he has made full use of all the acquired skills to create his own unique signature.

In a world full of struggle and fierce competition, Qiu’s work brings every individual a welcome dose of harmony and tranquility.
For more infomation.Pls visit:

联系方式 13918 738 555
[沙发:1楼] maomao586 2009-05-03 15:16:18
[板凳:2楼] guest 2009-05-03 16:05:58
[地板:3楼] guest 2009-05-03 16:29:22
[4楼] qiushengxian 2009-05-04 10:56:25
联系方式 13918 738 555
[5楼] michelle111 2009-05-04 11:41:13
[6楼] guest 2009-05-04 11:51:25

[7楼] guest 2009-05-04 16:29:40
[8楼] guest 2009-05-05 05:42:27
[9楼] qiushengxian 2009-05-05 14:13:17
我的MSN: qiushengxian@hotmail.com
联系方式 13918 738 555
[10楼] qiushengxian 2009-05-05 14:16:33
[quote]以下引用 guest 在2009-5-4 16:29:40的发言:邱先生,请速与我们联系,商谈合作事宜[/quote]

我的MSN:qiushengxian@hotmail.com 请联系
联系方式 13918 738 555
[11楼] qiushengxian 2009-05-05 14:29:00
这么好的画 非常佩服大师的功底 支持!
联系方式 13918 738 555
[12楼] maomao586 2009-05-05 14:33:41
Dear mr. Qiu,
Your worksare wenderful, I like them very much. can you please let know the price range form 80x100cm to 150x150cm, thank you very much for your time.
David tholen From Holand
[13楼] maomao586 2009-05-05 15:18:05
Dear Mr. Qiu, How much is your work size 80x100cm, Thanks to reply
[14楼] guest 2009-05-05 15:21:04
I love your work Mr. qiu
[15楼] guest 2009-05-05 16:19:46
Qiu is a great artist!
[16楼] guest 2009-05-05 18:33:09
Dear mr. Qiu,
Your worksare so niubism, I like them so much. can you please let know the price range form 80x100cm to 150x150cm, thank you very much for your time.
John Smith From New York
[17楼] qiushengxian 2009-05-06 12:19:29
To David tholen and John Smith,

Thank you for your kind reply.
Size 80X100cm is: 40,000RMB,and with certificate of authenticity!
And you can find my work exhibited at No.50 Moganshan Rd,4A-103,Outstanding Art Shanghai
联系方式 13918 738 555
[18楼] qiushengxian 2009-05-06 12:23:23
You can find more paintings at: http://qiushengxian.blog.sohu.com
My space and blog is: http://cid-04176da25fae17ba.spaces.live.com
联系方式 13918 738 555
[19楼] guest 2009-05-06 14:55:47
[20楼] guest 2009-05-08 12:55:36
[quote]以下引用 guest 在2009-5-6 14:55:47的发言:史上最烂的画[/quote]\

[21楼] 嘿爷爷 2009-05-08 23:18:38
[22楼] guest 2009-05-08 23:58:33
[23楼] guest 2009-05-09 15:56:22
[quote]以下引用 嘿爷爷 在2009-5-8 23:18:39的发言:真屙心~[/quote]
黑爷爷的黑心肠 不得好报
[24楼] guest 2009-05-11 20:56:26
Mr. Qiu,
I think your work is wonderful.
I want to show your work in Italy, can you let me know how to work this out?
Lucia Feinini
[25楼] qiushengxian 2009-05-13 11:09:25
Hi Lucia Feinini,Thank you for your kind reply.I am happy that you like my artworks.That''s a good idea to show my artworks in Italy.We can discuss about it.You can write to me at : qiushengxian@hotmail.com
联系方式 13918 738 555
[26楼] guest 2009-08-29 16:30:15