发起人:artisan.wl  回复数:0   浏览数:1517   最后更新:2009/07/04 22:04:23 by artisan.wl
[楼主] artisan.wl 2009-07-04 22:04:23





Preface of Used to Being Alone


A joint exhibition of five people is named as: Used to Being Alone. If subject is added, then it forms something like: We (five) are used to being alone. Such a sentence is a bit awkward. I want to know: what does ‘alone’ mean? What does ‘we’ mean?

Alone, perhaps is a kind of self-expansion and excludes others, in order to eliminate one’s opponents. Just as the world without women in Jean Baudrillard story.
Alone, perhaps is a kind of pride with a style of ‘everyone else is chaotic but the one is clear’. Just as the ancient Chinese litterateurs with their broken dreams.
Alone, perhaps is enjoying loneliness. Just as Edgar Allan Poe, who tried to drive away corbies to maintain the integration of loneliness.
Alone, perhaps faces the God. Just as the Christians who are always the ultimate responsibility undertakers.

How about ‘we’? ‘We’ are nothing. In fact, ‘we’ can’t form a major word. In addition to being an unstable group, the function of ‘we’ may only give people a sense of belonging and make everyone in the group shares a sense of being heroic. As idiom says that a group of people is powerful, which actually is a way for cowards to show their power. ‘We’ don’t undertake any responsibility, and nobody will even blame ‘we’. In this sense, I appreciate ‘alone’ in any case—each ‘one’ from ‘we’ who has an independent character and true self.

It is really difficult to be used to being alone. Not only because there is the risk that individual is likely to sink into the group, but also the sexual instinct of human beings makes it impossible for everyone to really be used to being alone.

Fortunately, there is still progress in addition to laziness in human nature, and awareness in addition to instincts.

In this exhibition, I hope everyone can experience and enjoy the sincerity of these young artists. Experience the awareness of survival from Zi Jie, the awareness of language from Chen Wei, the awareness of animadversion from Wang Le, the awareness of reflection from Zhong Yi, and the awareness of tragedy from Ji Peng.

Ju Zhong
Tong Ji University
June 12, 2009
 习惯一个人  - 油画/行为图片/行为现场展览





开幕酒会: 2009年7月11日晚上8点

展期:7月11日-8月 17日



特别感谢Special thanks to:沙智滨先生 Mr. Sha Zhibin


Used to Being Alone

Oil Paintings, Performance Photos and Live Performance at the opening!


Curator: Liu lifen

Critic: Ju Zhong

Artist: Wu Zijie, Chen Junyu, Wang Le, Yang Zhongyi, Pang Jipeng 

Poster design: Wang Kai

Opening: 20:00pm, Saturday, July 11, 2009

Duration: July 11 – August 17

Add:YUNART Gallery, 16 East Cuihu Road, Kunming

Tel: 5166972, 5166077
