发起人:大老板  回复数:4   浏览数:1994   最后更新:2010/01/29 10:33:43 by guest
[楼主] 大老板 2010-01-26 02:45:51


项目参与者:蔡 凯、陈 轴、李巨川、李 明、李 然、刘诗园、陆 扬、吴建安、杨俊岭、鄢 醒、张 鼎、赵 要
项目发起人:鄢 醒
项目协调:陈 轴、李 明、李 然
项目周期:2010.1.25. - 2010.3.12.
Project Participants: Cai Kai, Chen Zhou, Li Juchuan, Li Ming, Li Ran, Liu Shiyuan, Lu Yang, Wu Jianan, Yang Junling, Yan Xing, Zhang Ding, Zhao Yao
Initiator: Yan Xing
Project Coordinator: Chen Zhou, Li Ming, Li Ran
Project Period: 2010.1.25. - 2010.3.12.

Do you have any history of being educated? Do you also have any experience of being tamed? Are you literate? Are you sure about your distress? Is your feeling imparted? Have you taken any pills? Do you know what is called crime? Do you understand which kinds of behaviors are treated as immoral? Are you aware of verbs? Do you think whether knowledge is poisonous? Do you believe that vision can be regarded as a kind of knowledge? Do you worship intelligence? Do you know which parts of southern hemisphere are abundant in gold deposits? Are you sure that you are acquiring something every day instead of resisting them?
Such kinds of sentences strike us every day. "Education" is a sensitive word which absorbs all energies like virus. Project initiator will discuss with all participants to propel the creation of some new things so as to respond the "delight of education". Similar with being hypnotized by your inherent system, accepting a kind of knowledge can be also treated as a habit. Probably, everyone has unconsciously admitted that he is no other than the innocent know-nothing.

[沙发:1楼] guest 2010-01-26 12:32:29
[板凳:2楼] 大老板 2010-01-26 12:50:12
[地板:3楼] guest 2010-01-26 23:51:02
[4楼] guest 2010-01-27 14:05:19
