于洋和他的火罐艺术--yuyang and cupping
发起人:korn1982  回复数:0   浏览数:1715   最后更新:2010/06/02 15:27:22 by korn1982
[楼主] korn1982 2010-06-02 15:27:21
--yuyang and cupping

+ "Cupping"

"Cupping" therapy, one of the legacies of Chinese medicine, has been widely used in Chinese households for thousands of years. This therapy method was documented and described in Jin Dynasty’s medical scientist Ge Hong’s book titled “A Handbook of Prescriptions for Emergencies”. At that time, cupping was one of the treatment methods applied to the body, using hollowed animal horns to suction out the toxins, known as the "horn technique". Today, bamboo cups, ceramic cups, and glass cups are commonly used as treatment tools for cupping, among the most common are glass cups, also referred as "fire sucking cups".

Chinese Cupping therapy has been passed down for thousands of years, and its main effect is to pull cold and toxins out of the body. Chinese medicine believes the human body is porous, and pain within the body can be pushed out through the skin. This belief resulted in the invention of cupping therapy. Lower back pain, rheumatism, arthritis, cough and other common illnesses is believed can be cured by cupping treatment. As a mere physical therapy, Cupping is effective to a certain degree, but does not solve the fundamental root of the pain or illness. The therapy relaxes the muscles and helps with blood flow, and typically the benefits can take a long time to become apparent. Just as this is true of Chinese medicine, it can also be true of Art!

Art has many forms and varieties. Some art forms criticize the reality and use artistic angles to discover and reflect problems. Many of these arts ease the pain temporarily without fundamentally solving the problem.
“Cupping” in some sense can be seen as a criticism of the reality. From the surging and ever changing contemporary Chinese Art waves, to the various pseudo-artists willing to do whatever it takes to become millionaires, to the gradual movement of some nations away from the true meaning of art. Who caused these problems? How to resolve these problems? Who can help resolve these problems?

"Cupping" selected the signature Ming Dynasty style furniture as its body work. Ming era furniture has the far-reaching significance of changing Classical Chinese Furniture, from simple wood form to shape transformation, giving solid foundation to the famous furniture of the Qing Dynasty. In regards to the effects on Chinese art, has this native art form impacted the developing trend of Chinese Contemporary Art? If so, how deep is the effect? And how much influence do foreign art forms and varieties have on Chinese Art? While the answer is unknown, it is quite certain that Chinese art and culture have been greatly impacted by foreign influences. Regional artworks represent the cultural development and extension of a regional culture. Combining local art together with foreign art may create more profound significance.

"Cupping" combines classical ancient Chinese furniture with a product of modern industry, glass, as a material that signifies the balance between cultural conflict and the therapy of extracting the "illness" and "toxins" from culture. It does not suggest a complete cure, but a deepening awareness.
