陷阱Trap_艺术ISSUE Projects最新展览_2010年10月29日开幕
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[楼主] ArtISSUEProject 2010-10-15 21:40:13



参展艺术家:王度、林一林、孙原 & 彭禹、彭弘智、刘韡、李晖、余政达,朱加
展览时间:2010年10月23日 – 2011年1月30日 
开幕时间:2010年10月29日下午5点 – 7点
开放时间:上午11点– 下午7点,周一休息
电话:8610 6434 0266 
传真:8610 6434 5366

参展的艺术家王度、林一林、孙原 & 彭禹、彭弘智、刘韡、李晖、余政达,朱加正是用他们自己的方式:或是直接表现坠入陷阱的无奈;或是用类似玩笑的行为来消解;或是探讨文化语言产生的陷阱;或是用反讽的方式,用美好的语言编织陷阱,或制造出视觉的灿烂与美好,麻痹观众的心神。他们或批判、或嘲讽、或玩笑、或游戏、或消解,但无不在提醒你:我们已经身处不同的陷阱边缘,抑或早已坠入各种陷阱里面,但我们中的大多数人,毫不自知。


Curator: Han Jiyun

Participating Artists: Wang Du, Lin Yilin, Sun Yuan &Peng Yu, Hung-Chih Peng, Liu Wei, Li Hui, Cheng-Ta Yu, Zhu Jia
Exhibition Period: October 23, 2010 – January 30, 2011
Opening Reception: 5pm - 7pm, October 29, 2010
No.A1 Beigao, Cuigezhuang County, Chaoyang District,Beijing 100015
Opening Hours: 11am - 7pm, Closed on Monday
Tel: 86 10 6434 0266 
Fax: 86 10 6434 5366
E-mail: info@art-issue.com
A trap is ametaphor for people who have been ensnared by trickery. Adopting variousdisguises, it renders one unable to clearly understand the reality of thesituation, and our adversary has complete control as we sink further into thetrap. The Han History of Food andCommodities records: “county law leads the people, causing them to fall intoits trap.” In the Qing dynasty Blind Man Says, Dai Mingshi stated: “Butall too often, one aimlessly stumbles, nearly unconscious and suddenly stepsinto the net of the trapper.”
We arequite familiar with words that approach “trap” in meaning, such as “chains” or“shackles”, which we view as the material object of ourspiritual enemy. The difference between the two lies in the fac that chains arevisible, while traps are invisible. A heavy wooden yoke or iron chains, clearlyreveal their identity and can be smashed with ahammer or melted down with flames to achieve “liberatation”. Traps, however,are entirely different. A trap has never existed upon which the word “trap” wasclearly written for all to see. Traps appear where and when we least expectthem, going in for the kill when we believe we are at our safest, fallingvictim on the turf with which we are most familiar. It is like, as if temperedby hundreds upon thousands of antibiotics, an endlessly spreading andreproducing super germ was incubating by our side. Traps are “human nature”, the flaw in the clear understanding of humannature, the sought-after weakspot; the trap is intellegence, followingincreased cognitive abilities and magically transforming at any moment. What’smost terrifyig is its intangiablity and corrosive quality, leading you to sinkdeeper and deeper in entirely unconciously, or when thinking you have carefullyavoided a trap, fumbling around with two hands and inadvertantly diggingyourself a new trap.
We are surrounded byprecisely these sorts of trap: While the flag of stable and glorious harmonioussociety is held high, false economic prosperity creates a sense of contentment;the land beneath our feet is like a bubble, capable of bursting at any momentand leaving us tumbling downward; the mass-media puts on a the appearance ofgood-will but only truly serves for its own objectives. When our spiritsindulge in the surface level satisfaction of the body, they become corrupted;true intentions are hidden behind hypocritical smiles…
All these sorts of traps:societal, cultural, economic, linguistic, informational, all human nature andimpossible to fend off. When we are inattentive, entirely without preparationor ability to resist, we fall under its control. Just as is recorded in theGolden Mean from the Book of Rites,"People all believe themselves to be quite clever, but once driven to atrap, they don't know how to avoid."
The participating artists,Wang Du, Lin Yilin, Sun Yuan & Peng Yu, Hung-Chih Peng, Liu Wei, Li Hui, Cheng-Ta Yu and Zhu Jia, each use their own methods to comment upon the trap: directlydisplaying the unavoidability of failing into it; using irony and jestingbehavior dispel it; exploring the cultural language which produces it; ormanufacturing visual splendor and beauty to numb the viewer’s mind. Whetherthey are criticizing, sneering, joking, playing or banishing, not one goeswithout alerting us: we are all personally on the brink of one trap or another,and could it be that we’ve already fallen in but the majority of us areentirely unaware of it?

