发起人:spacestation  回复数:0   浏览数:1801   最后更新:2011/07/29 14:04:12 by spacestation
[楼主] spacestation 2011-07-29 14:04:12


2011.7.23 -2011.8.21

艺术家 | Artists:

林瑶瑶|Lin Yaoyao 陆叶|Lu Ye 李龙|Li Long 孟思特|Meng Site 聂英|Nie Ying 钱丽丽|Qian Lili 石震宇|Shi Zhenyu 谢冰鑫|Xie Bingxin

地点 | Venue:798艺术区中一街 空间站Space Station


空间站将于2011年7月23日到2011年8月21日举办小型绘画和装置作品展—— “斑点”,这是8位刚刚走出校园的年轻艺术家的联展。





Space Station will be honored to hold the small-sized painting and installation exhibition “MARK” between July 23 and August 21, 2011. It is a group exhibition of eight young artists who just graduated from college.

After visiting some graduated exhibitions, we found these interesting small cases among those large-scale narrative works. As other young artists, they are still in the very important period which all artists have to go through. While discovering their own artistic languages and technological development, they must make their choices among the chaotic and diversity artistic value and explore the essential meaning in technology. This is a conceptive growth of a set of multiple artistic embryos, and also a period of dividing and purifying their artistic languages and technical control. All these things make the explore direction of their present works different from others. However, it leaves the audience a question about how literariness works in visual arts expression. Whether the expression of ideas and concepts will be subjected to the concrete images? Imagery thinking, literature vision,,polysemy, ambiguity, metaphor — will these literary image-buildings affect their precise expression of the ideas and values? Whether abstract paintings and figurative paintings will be naturally assigned to different visual issues? Is it necessary to express the issues which could be solved by a literature way?

The characteristics of literature are showed in different ways in these works: concrete descriptions, synonyms analogy, narrative, image characterization, psychological portray, non-subject ontology, language structure doctrine and typical expression in a cultural context etc. They are like the “mark” in front of Virginia Woolf. Small moments in ordinary life suddenly appeared on the wall one day. Then caused the stream of consciousness and resulted in a series of fantasy. Those marks began to flow, sink, change, disappear — tiny and common things had fallen into the turmoil before we approached the truth. Those moments with an illegal sense which are wandering in front of us or staying on our mind could only be cherished and remained when, the freedom exists.

All the depuration of absolute definition and final criterion of artistic value will head for no title. We can never figure out a relatively clear answer unless it refers to a certain art work. It is just like the un-substitutable effect caused by the mix of language structure and rhetorical structure, as all the development of any artistic form are based on their self-reflection. Art has self-refuting as literature does. There are always phenomena about textual expression and imaginal thinking goes beyond the scope of metalinguistic thinking and definition, even though they don’t actually tend to. In fact, meta language is not always the best way to reveal the truth. Thus, these young artists chose to seize their own thinking pattern, which means to create art work according to the particular expression forms, point of views and cultural context. If the consequence is the abandon, confusion, or variation of meta language of painting, it is just the temporary artistic deviation. They might get to a clear, firm and compelling visual world one day.

Guo Fang
