上海当代艺术馆专题讲座:艺术实验在今天的意义 主讲:刘建华
发起人:iceeye  回复数:1   浏览数:2544   最后更新:2007/01/25 14:13:45 by
[楼主] iceeye 2007-01-25 14:06:02



时间:2007年1月28日 周日下午2时





The Meaning of Artistic Experiment Today
- Meet the Artist Series

Speaker: Liu Jian Hua

Time:2PM January 31, Sunday

Venue: MoCA Conference Room, 2F

Born in 1962 in Jiangxi province Liu Jianhua was trained in ceramics at an early age and began working in a pottery factory in Jingdezhen, the porcelain capital of China. In 1985 he studied sculpture in the Department of Fine Arts at the Institute of Ceramics in Jingdezhen, where he graduated in 1989.

In the 1990’s Liu Jianhua gained international recognition with his series of delicately colored porcelain sculptures of beautiful, but head- and armless women dressed in cheongsam. The female sculptures are alluringly posed for the viewer on a dinner plate, thereby masterfully combining his skillful workmanship while commenting on present-day Chinese society, and moreover, its position on the global political and economical stage. Similarly, his latest works “Floating Object” and “Can you tell me” show his perceptiveness towards questions of contemporary consumer society and cultural sellout.

Liu Jianhua currently lives in Shanghai and teaches in the Fine Art Academy of Shanghai University



主讲:费明杰 教授、旅美艺术家

时间:2007年1月31日 星期三晚7时





From Mom’s Shanghai Studio to My New York Studio
Artist Slide Talk by Prof. Ming Fay

7PM January 31, Wednesday, 2007

MoCA Conference Room

I consider myself a scientist of sorts and my studio a laboratory. I continually research and collect natural forms that have specific symbolisms, usages and aesthetic intrigue. The artwork is an outgrowth of my inventory of seeds, herbs, bones and mysteries objects that people present to me for examination. In time I decipher some of their usages both metaphorically and literally and start to investigate new forms that I have heard about but never seen.

As I went deeper into the realm of symbolic plant forms that fulfilled human needs or desires, I started to invent and make my own discoveries of forms related to concepts of reproduction, rejuvenation and other human desires. These hybrid inventions while still realistic in form do not represent a specific natural species. They are often the result of a composite of characteristics and contain personal or a collaged symbolism.

This phase of my work incorporates all the knowledge gained from the previous works along with my own reinterpretation of forms and newly created ones. This group of works includes several Sub-categories such as magical herbs and leaves, skulls and bones, deities and statues which are sculptures in themselves but can coexist in my installations.

                                                                              by Ming Fay

[沙发:1楼] iceeye 2007-01-25 14:13:45
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