周光伟,1962 年出生于湖北天门市。1990年留学德国,1992 年德国杜塞尔多夫艺术学院研究生毕业。旅居德国18 年,2008 年回中国,创立⾃己的⼯作室。他是一位年富力强,融合中西⽅文化背景,极具创作思维的艺术家。他的当代绘画作品,内涵丰富,色彩亮丽,有思想深度,画面效果极具震撼力。
Artist GoGo Zhou was born in 1962, Tian Men City, Hu BeiProvince. He went to Germany in 1990 to study art and received aMaster’s Degree from Dusseldorf Art Academy in 1992. In 2008,after living in Germany for 18 years, GoGo Zhou returned to Chinaand established his own studio.
GoGo Zhou is a young and dynamic artist with a background fusedin Chinese and Western culture. His contemporary paintings are fullof power, depth of thought with rich content, and have bright colorsthat create a strong visual appeal.
一切事物都是在特定的时间和空间的运行轨迹,就像人的生命一样,有生有死、有低潮有辉煌、有过失有成就, 都逃不出命运的魔咒似的钳制。
Brief Introduction to GoGo Zhou “Life’s Running Track”Series
What does Life’s Running Track look like? A circle without angles, atriangle composed of lines, or a semi-circle constituted of lines andcurves. However in GoGo’s artworks, it represents the rational andirrational.
Everything in the world has its own life track. In humanity there islife and death, glories and frustrations, success and failures whichcannot escape destiny’s grip.
Maybe there is no pure spiritual pursuit. In the process of living, wechanged our life tracks because of different life courses. As timepasses us by and we turn to look back, we will see that we created our unique life track. As we look ahead destiny is fast at work carving anew path which will eventually become our new life track.
展览场地:上海艺杰艺术画廊Outstanding Art Shanghai
展览主题:周光伟生活的轨迹-Life’s Running Track