2014年10月3日下午三点,艺杰画廊将举行写实油画四人精品展开幕式, 参展艺术家将到场与来宾互动, 届时, 现场将有大提琴表演。欢迎广大艺术爱好者前往参观。
张晨初, 1973年出生于浙江,先后毕业于中国美术学院与中央美术学院油画系,获硕士学位。
Zhang Chenchu, Born in 1973 in Zhejiang Professor Zhang graduated from China Academy Of Art and Central Academy of Fine Arts of oil painting department, receiving a master's degree. In 2003, he studied in Weber State University in the United States. Some of his famous paintings include "The Beauty of Shanghai", "The East is Red”, "Red Star over China", "The Angel of Water". Zhang Chenchu is an artist who is thoughtful and professional, paying close attention to social development, having a sense of social responsibility. His magnum opus of oil painting is his large portrait which is very modern and impressive for the visitors. What’s more the most amazing thing in this painting is the light and shadow. His works are collected by the Chinese Art Museum, Chinese Oil Painting Museum, The Capital Museum, The Central Academy Of Fine Arts Museum, Shanghai Art Museum, Liu Haisu Art Museum, many Institutions, and private collectors.
王剑锋 1977年出生于浙江,2012年博士毕业于上海大学美术学院,2009年以优异的成绩毕业于俄罗斯列宾美术学院油画系梅尔尼科夫工作室,并获“油画家”称号。学习期间曾获列宾美术学院年度素描嘉奖及列宾美术学院最高奖——毕业创作嘉奖,是历年来唯一同获两项大奖的外国留学生。
WangJianfeng, Born in 1973 in Zhejiang. In 2003, he went to Russian Repin academy of fine arts to study oil painting , in 2009 he graduated from MEL nico's studio with High honors, he was awarded the highest scholarship during his study and also granted as "Oil Painter". In 2012, He graduated from Fine Arts College Shanghai university , and received the doctor's degree. His realistic oil paintings including scenery and portrait, the pictures were well structured, with finely and exquisite paintings skill, we can feel the beauty of viewing and the power of emotion in the paintings. Many of his artworks were awarded prizes internationally. For example, “Into the Distance”, “A Quiet Afternoon”, “The Internal war” oil paintings, and“Double Nudity ladies in front of the Red background” sketch work. His artworks were exhibited by Russian Science Art College Museum, The National Art museum of China, Gang Tai Art Museum Zhu Qizhan Art Museum and many Institutions, and also international private collectors.
陈海强, 1973年生于上海,毕业于上海大学美术学院。
Chen Hai Qiang, Born in 1979 in Shanghai. Graduated from Fine Art College Shanghai University.In 2013, Doctor Chen won the first prize of Shanghai “Jiang Nan Zhi Chun” Art exhibition. From 2013, his artworks have been exhibited in the National Art Museum of China. Artist Chen created many amazing artworks like his well-known artworks “Living Environment” and “City’s new Parable” in which he expresses the relationship between people and the environment. His work also conveys much of his concerns and worries. In most of his artworks, Chen Hai Qiang is trying to keep the balance in the pictures. His artworks has also been exhibited in the Shanghai Art Museum, Gang Tai Art Museum, Liu Haisu Museum, Guang Tai Art museum, ShanDong Art museum, and other individual collectors.
陈光龙, 1976年出生于安徽,上海大学美术学院博士研究生。
Chen Guang Long , Born in 1976 in An Hui. Professor Chen graduated from Fine Art College Shanghai University and received his doctor’s degree. In 2013 he went to France and some other countries in Europe to take part in an Art investigation. Women are the major topic in his artwork. The artist shows much concern, captures subtle emotions and combines them with his unique realistic technique to express the feelings with his gentle heart and exquisite skill. The women he creates in his artworks seem calm yet not conservative, enchanting yet graceful, narcissistic but with self-pity. They are so real but look like they are isolated and far away from reality. His artworks have been exhibited in Liu HaiSu Museum, Zhu Qi Zhan Museum, Beijing Times Art museum, Gang Tai Art museum, and Shanghai Oriental Art center and others.
艺杰画廊 Outstanding Art Shanghai
画展开幕时间: 2014/10/03 下午3点
画廊地址: 上海市莫干山路50号4A-109
联系电话: +86 21 6227 0847
邮箱: outstandingart@sina.com