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[楼主] 艺网打尽 2007-04-11 12:36:56

Exhibition at the Galerie Urs Meile, Beijing

Opening: Friday, 13 April 2007, 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
开幕式:2007年4月13日 星期五,下午 4:00 - 7:00

Lu Hao <Shooting 10000 Arrows All at Once>

Exhibition: 13 April - 19 May, 2007
画展时间: 2007年4月13日 - 5月19日
Tuesday to Saturday 11:00 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.
每周二至周六 上午 11:00 - 下午 6:30

Galerie Urs Meile, Beijing-Lucerne

Galerie Urs Meile, Beijing
No.104 Caochangdi, Chaoyang District,
Beijing 100015, China

[沙发:1楼] 艺网打尽 2007-04-11 12:43:53
[板凳:2楼] 艺网打尽 2007-04-11 12:48:20

开幕时间:2007年4月13日,下午4:00 - 下午7:00
展览时间:2007年4月13日 – 2007年5月19日
开放时间:每周二至周日,上午11:00 - 下午6:30
——— 北京麦勒画廊 卢昊作品展 (2007年4月13日-5月19日)
文: Ulrike Münter (闽丽柯)
译: 李双志;校对:苏晓琴

Opening: April 13, 2007, 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Exhibition: April 13 – May 19, 2007
Opening Hour s: Tuesday – Sunday, 11:00 am – 6:30 pm
Lu Hao – Shooting 10,000 Arrows All at Once
For images and additional information, contact: [email]beijing@galerieursmeile.com
The strap of the crossbow hangs loose, innumerable arrows have been shot, the belligerent act of destruction
appears arrested in an advanced state.
In his installation Shooting 10,000 Arrows All at Once (2007), Beijing artist Lu Hao (b. 1969) takes us into a space
between times. To create the work, the artist has reconstructed a launching platform mounted with a crossbow, a
bulky contraption of the type used from the early empires well into the Ming and Manchu dynasties. Emphasizing
the virtual dimension of this imitation battle weapon, only the chassis is made of wood, while the crossbow device
is made of transparent Plexiglas. It is located near the entrance of the exhibition room, and there are hundreds of
wooden arrows stuck in the diagonally opposite walls. This suggests an attack that is already over. The metal
arrowheads have sunk themselves into models of traditional Beijing courtyard houses. There is little room in Lu
Hao’s installation for the sort of idealism that movie director Zhang Yimou projects in his blockbuster Hero. While
in Zhang’s film about the Qin emperor Qin Shihuangdi (221 BC - 207 BC), the grand master of calligraphy can
proclaim the immortality of Chinese tradition even in a hail of arrows from his enemies, such certainty is a lot more
debatable in this artwork.
What is left of the time-honored, daily life of Beijing when the old urban infrastructure is quickly being obliterated
and replaced by ‘international style’ high-rise skylines? How long can the images in our memory resist factual
destruction? The installation 2006 New Visual Acuity Chart for General Use (2006), also included in this exhibtion,
says it loud and clear. Here, the visitor enters a room which displays a dozen fluorescent light boxes in various
sizes and colors, featuring the ‘tumbling E’ which is common in optometrists’ offices all over the world. The
optotypes in Lu Hao’s pieces, however, are made up of scaled-down banknotes of international currencies. It is
the ‘vision of money’ that has prevailed.
Lu Hao’s works have been shown in numerous international exhibitions and biennials ever since the late 1990s. A
major motor of his creative work is his strong identification with his native town Beijing. With superior
imperturbability, Lu Hao probes the concrete and the conceptual rubble fields that have been shaping the face of
the Chinese mega-city as well as the modernization urge that dominates it. His most well-known statement against
oblivion, against the gradual vanishing of the traditional Beijing hutong alleyways, is the model-type installation
Beijing Welcomes You (2001). However, it is not a representation of the real city center. By replicating the oldstyle
buildings at the scale of 1:200, but the more recent ones at 1:600 or 1:700, the artist lets his wishful
thinking take the place of actual reality.
In his drawings, Lu Hao explores the atmospheric impact of ideologically connoted buildings such as Beijing’s
National Art Gallery, the Great Hall of the People and the entrance to the Forbidden City. But it is above all the
Plexiglas objects that have become this artist’s unmistakable signature. On the one hand, these works are
characterized by the meticulousness of an architect and by their almost aseptically cold modeling material,
Plexiglas. On the other, Lu Hao animates his transparent ‘sculptures’ with flowers, birds, insects and fish, all of
which are also popular motifs in traditional Chinese painting. Through this interaction of highly antithetical
materials and forms, the artist succeeds in walking an aesthetic tightrope: he manages to do justice both to his
responsibility as a witness of his time and to his love of Chinese traditional fine art. He clearly rejects cynical
approaches à la "Politcal Pop," just as he does not condone emulating the examples of Western art.
Lu Hao’s most recent piece, Shooting 10,000 Arrows All at Once, not only puts into focus the currently
endangered relics of the traditional Chinese lifestyle, it also opens our eyes to rather elusive historical dimensions
– quite beyond China, in fact. While in his work Construction Device (2002), the agent of demolishment was the
shovel of an excavator, this time we are confronted with a piece of ancient weaponry, used during the early
dynasties. In Shooting 10000 Arrows All at Once, the scenario of violent appropriation of territory, devastation of
cultural assets and the ideologically conditioned development of new environments is visualized as a timeless
phenomenon of human existence.
by Ul rike Münter
Translation: Werner Richter
[地板:3楼] 我爹 2007-04-12 08:44:21
[4楼] guest 2007-04-12 11:48:32