发起人:修理匠  回复数:3   浏览数:2295   最后更新:2011/12/19 11:41:45 by 史蒂芬
[楼主] 杨锴art 2010-04-11 09:23:14


















[沙发:1楼] 杨锴art 2010-04-11 03:52:30
Skeleton in the Dark Ages: redemption in Yang Kai’s Painting
by Zhu Qi

Yang Kai's painting concerns about a painting theme, death. The imagination of death is a spirit skeleton in dark ages.
From youth sentiment, cute cartoon to fashionable beauty, contemporary art’s theme has entered into a new age of diversified performance. This kind of art landscape is the same as our country’s absurd and discrepant “progress” scene. On the one hand, it is florid, gorgeous songs and dances and shining light of the golden age, such as the Olympic Games opening ceremony, the Spring Festival gala, a variety of real estate opening ceremonies, nightclubs and urban neon; on the other hand, it is the dark realities of the rogue economy full of evil and injustice, such as demolitions, self-burning, “ant tribe” settlement villages, petitioners villages, begging or singing for a living, and even “the bones of the frozen and the starved lying outside the red-lacquered gates”.
This is an age of spiritual emptiness and even desperation. In recent years Yang Kai drew a group of expressional paintings about death, like The doll of Gods, Genesis, The nonsense of Excrement, The Origin of Me, Death Note, God's love and so on which he claimed was about the "the imagination of death". This is the inevitable art choice of Yang Kai’s generation, because each individual is staying in the spiritual context of the Chinese society. No one can escape this desperate totality. Yang Kai said: "the post-80 generation, or more specifically, those who are about to graduate or have just graduated from universities, who have completely lost the ability to manager themselves for the future, who are pursued, controlled, oppressed by a variety of forces, and keep struggling instinctively in loneliness and nameless fear, feeling hopeless. What is this daunting but omnipresent pressure? They are not ghosts or monsters, but our prosaic lives, and our mundane future. It is this that has resulted in a strong absurdity. "
Yang Kai's painting is a symbolic expression of the image. The main image is a skeleton wrapped by a flowing and distorted air mass that is like ghosts’ stalking shadow. Sometimes the skeleton tried to reach out of the outer layer of the soul, getting close to the other skeleton’s "air mass". Yang Kai's painting is not an abstract expressionism, but closer to a symbolic expressionism. His image is a combination of the split, distorted, and diffusing abstract image and the symbolic death skeleton. Such a picture style directly expresses an abstract spiritual experience, such as despair, death, fear, nightmares, zero gravity, the critical struggle, the dislocation of main body, etc.
The expression of "death" is not physical death, but is about the critical experience of spiritual death of the Yang Kai’s generation. As Yang Kai said, his painting impulse is from "the wrath of all humanity, and the death impulse." His images, whether abstract or symbolic, are closely related with the despair experience of this era. "Splitting, deformation and death" - important elements of his paintings, "form a broken alienated world like a maze".
In modern art and literature history, "death" is not a new theme. From romanticism to existentialism, the theme "dark, alienation and death" is accompanied by the historical process of resistance to despotism and capitalism. China's current social pattern and the spiritual situation is unprecedented. Even thought there are spiritual contexts similar to "alienation and death", they have taken on China's time characteristics. In other words, we have not gotten out of the darkness of despotism yet; while the alienation of capitalism has already come. The integration of them has constituted a darker spiritual "Hell" in the era of globalization.
Despite being a heavy topic, “the critical death of spirit" has been deep into every individual's soul inevitably. In fact, many of the intellectual class are not mentally prepared for the arrival of and the resistance to critical death. To our surprise and relief, the theme of "death" which has been associated with Modernism in the eighties was put forward again by the generation of Yang Kai’s 20 years later. Contemporary art has been under the influence of conceptual art and postmodernism for nearly two decades. Although the post-70s generations restarted the subject of suffering and redemption in the nineties with "youth sentiment", but within a short time they shifted to avoid the pain, distress and cartoon art which has turned into games. Postmodernism skipped a deeper disclosure of the spiritual reality with a delight of contempt and ridicule of commerce and politics. Thus conceptual art has lost the expression of profound experience of local China in an international style which seems to be formalism.
Lu Xun’s essay "A Lost Good Hell", compared with contemporary people’s understanding for China, is still a benchmark today. So far there is no parable that can surpass this one in thoughts. Lu Xun thinks that the Chinese society under the regime of the Northern Warlords was in fact no better than hell. In Hell there is discipline and justice order, but none in Chinese reality. The reality is a "living hell" which is even more evil than the hell. Therefore, the starting point of life which Lu Xun has chosen is "grave", that is what we call "being towards death". Although today’s China is no longer sees warfare among warlords, an increasing upsurge of demolitions campaign, condonement of evil, suppression the righteous, spiritual manipulation of people with entertainment, is actually a mental hell.
Facing with an era of spiritual darkness, some of the young generation artists have chosen to escape to commercial cartoons, aestheticism and post-modern games. However some other have chosen to face it. Although Yang Kai’s generation cannot immediately reach a conscious knowledge of China, his conscience had already been aware of this dark moment. To Yang Kai, death means that the soul can no longer gather into a main image. He was crushed and deformed and eventually became a diffusing air mass. Therefore the soul as “diffusing air mass" became an allegory image in his paintings, and the other image is the skeleton inside the air mass where soul is scattered, which is in a state of panicked struggle.
"The struggling skeleton in the soul air mass from the main body", this highly symbolic allegory image is not heading towards realism, but the brushstroke style of abstract expression. Such a treatment seems to be able to reinforce the experience of the picture language. Due to the visual implication that has been stripped off background, the picture is like a self space, where the inner emotion and soul consciousness is scattering into waves in the air. He hopes to use the critical experience of "imagination of death" to strike the border of the real world. Here Yang Kai touched upon the theme of redemption that has been missing for nearly a decade in contemporary art, just like what he said, he tried to "redeem himself in the real world and the allegorical world".
Through an allegorized skeleton in soul air mass and direct expressional brush strokes, Yang Kai’s painting has stricken an isomorphism with the deep real-world experience. His air mass is from the formalization of individual and main body’s border, symbolizing the isolation of each individual. Whether it is the deformation or dispersion of the soul air mass, it suggests that "people are fundamentally in the force of alienation, in void and insignificance. Human beings are, in essence, poor, helpless, limited and ultimately mortal beings." As to the allegorical relationship between air mass and skeleton in Yang Kai’s paintings, air masses symbolize the existence of soul which can be dispersed and returns to God, while the skeleton is a lonely person's body which will be extremely fragile once the soul fog lifts. "It’s like breaking into an inextricable nightmare, being coerced by massive helplessness and fear in the depth of soul."
Therefore Yang Kai has realized and showed “an insurmountable gap between man and God (infinite) ", that is to say, soul can be dispersed and return to God, while man can not follow with it. Therefore, his painting is filled with duality between the soul fog and the scared skeleton, people’s wish for salvation and hopeless desperation. However, Yang Kai’s picture shows a stature of" being towards death ", just as Hegel said in Phenomenology of Mind: "The spiritual life is not to be afraid of death, but daring to accept the death and survive in it." Spirit should face up to what he denies, and" staying in the negative things---this is a kind of magic."
The magic generated by spirit facing the desperate situation close to "death", seems to be the hope of Kai Yang’s redemptionism. As he put it, the skeleton is a symbol of “the hope for the dead in despair." However, the magic of spirit-salvation from death which Yang Kai pursues lies mainly in aestheticism field. He is fascinated by any release and spread of paint related to expressionism of "death" on the paintings, such as "crush, reveal, diving into brocks, frames, twirled lines, applying pigment directly, sideline," and even cake making method, stipple method, which is similar to "the explosion of visual experience on the brain ". This kind of expressive "obsession" with skeleton and traces of soul air mass gives him a relief, which might resemble the spiritual “online game” where a lot of post-80s generation people try to seek their extrication.
Kai Yang’s redemptionism is ideal in nature, in other words, he is still trying to transcend death. He wishes to continue to mobilize in the breath of death the flow of life on the paintings because he believes “it is life that is pursued from its own 'death ' ". In a way, he even thinks that only by getting close to "death" can one stay away from or even "enjoy" death and touch Kafkaesque "brutal truth" in such a way.
This means that the Kai Yang’s redemptionnism does not touch on faith level as much as in the sense of aesthetic salvation. As he has mentioned, this painting series only provide "an alternative youth sample ". Yang Kai's painting mode cannot entirely separate from the pattern of youth allegory of the modernists and post-70s, but he has tried to continue touching the deep darkness under the guide of faith, in order to achieve a critical point of spirit in the history relay race of culture. This is a significant beginning.
Written in Shanghai on 16th, Feburary, 2010
