"What is the true value of life fictions?" Discuss
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[楼主] K.Bayer 2010-07-07 10:58:46
Dear friends of art and culture,
a new exhibition at the small art venue at Yongkang Road 64 in Shanghai shows “Eigenheim Gallery Weimar – Shanghai” on Wednesday the 7th of July 2010.
"The Eigenheim Gallery" is based in Weimar (Germany) since 2006. The literal, English translation of “Eigenheim”, your own home”, creates an open-minded and communicative atmosphere as well as a platform for discourse and discussion. More then 180 exhibitions and projects have been realized collectively with over 300 national and international artists and institutions. Over the last few years, the founder Konstantin Bayer, has formed a young, professional and interdisciplinary team, which has advanced the careers of its 8 artists. All these artists have participated in the group exhibition, “Gallery Eigenheim Weimar – Shanghai”. The artists involved are: Enrico Freitag, Julia Scorna, Lars Wild, Benedikt Braun, Konstantin Bayer, Daniel Caleb Thompson, Tilman Porschütz and Caucasso Lee Jun. They show photography, painting, object and video works.
So feel warmly welcome to the exhibition opening at Yongkang Road 64, Shanghai on Wednesday the 7th of July 2010 at 6pm. We are happy to welcome Thomas Arthur Bligh Pryle as our house musician escorting through the evening with art, wine and fun…

2006年,Konstantin Bayer在魏玛建立了The Eigenheim Gallery,同时,他在包豪斯大学完成了媒体艺术的学习。字面上Eigenheim的意思是“自己的家”,是想要创造一个开放的交流氛围,也是一个讨论的平台。从此以后,这个地方成为了最有活力和创造力的德国当代文化中心。接待了超过180个展览项目,和超过300位国内和国际艺术家和机构。在过去几年,Konstantin Bayer组建了一个年轻、专业和跨领域的团队,从此开创了8为艺术家的艺术生涯。这些艺术家也参加了 “Gallery Eigenheim Weimar – Shanghai” 展览。艺术家有:Enrico Freitag, Julia Scorna, Lars Wild, Benedikt Braun, Konstantin Bayer, Daniel Caleb Thompson, Tilman Porschütz and Caucasso Lee Jun.这些人在一起,代表了新一代。现在,这个团体朝着当代的魏玛精神迈进,也已经因为它的历史和文化背景而知名。Goethe, Schiller, Bauhaus,还有魏玛,已经成为全世界家喻户晓的词。。。我们觉得,是时候去创造一个更新的领域让世界了解了,因为我们已经感受到,时代不同了。
那么,欢迎您到永康路64号来参观展览开幕,时间是:2010年7月7日,星期二。整个夜晚,我们会有Thomas Arthur Bligh Pryle 作为我们房间的音乐师,有艺术,有红酒,有欢乐…

visit: www.yongkanglu-art.com // www.galerie-eigenheim.de // contact@yongkanglu-art.com // konstantin.bayer@galerie-eigenheim.de

open: thu – sun 6 – 8 pm and allday on appointment // one white cherry tree with a flag on the road & Yongkang Lu Art residency program with special thanks to island6 and Gallery Eigenheim (Ger)