发起人:马甲飘飘  回复数:0   浏览数:2543   最后更新:2007/08/14 04:56:44 by
[楼主] 内鬼 2007-08-14 04:56:44



About Chi-Wen Gallery
Chi-wen Gallery is founded by Joanne Huang Chi-Wen. Chi-Wen Gallery is the premiere gallery in Taiwan showing the best of contemporary Taiwanese art. Chi-Wen Gallery has its pulse on today’s art while looking to tomorrow and represents artists whose work continues to grow in historical importance. Many of these artists use digital media such as Chen Chieh-Jen, Hung Tung-Lu, Peng Hung-Chih, Tsui Kuang-Yu,Tseng Yu-Chin, Wu Tien-Chang and Yuan Goang-Ming.

Chi-Wen Gallery 由黃其玟於2004年6月創辦,致力於經紀推廣重要台灣當代藝術工作者。Chi-Wen Gallery 冀以完善的經紀制度及策展理念推動台灣當代藝術,致力推薦具深度美學及美術史重要性的當代藝術品。代理藝術家有陳界仁、張乾琦、陳順築、洪東祿、吳天章、袁廣鳴、姚瑞中、 彭弘智、崔廣宇 、曾御欽、袁旃、于彭、黃致陽、許雨仁、林銓居、蘇匯宇、鄭詩雋、高俊宏及林其蔚。

We represent the following artists: Chen Chieh-Jen, Chang Chien-Chi, Chen Shun-Chu, Chen Yung-Hsien, Cheng Shih-Chuan, Hsu Yu-Jen, Huang Chih-Yang, Hung Tung-Lu, Kao Jun-Hon, Kuo Chuan-Chiu,Lin Chuan-Chu, Peng Hung-Chih, Su Hue-Yu, Tsui Kuang-Yu, Wang Wan-Chun, Wu Tien-Chang, Yao Jui-Chung, Yu Peng,YuWei-Te, Yuan Goang-Ming,and Yuan Jai.

Chi-Wen Gallery is located on Tun-Hua S. Road in Taipei, Taiwan. In addition to mounting exhibitions, Chi-Wen Gallery works closely with both private and corporate clients building collections, locating works of art, providing art advisory services, and assisting individuals in navigating the maze of the contemporary Taiwanese art world. We are committed to representing our clients' interests as they build their collections. Chi-Wen Gallery provides a complete array of collector's services, from management of transportation, documentation and insurance, to providing professional onsite consultation and installation.

LOCATION Chi-Wen Gallery (formerly known as Taipei MOMA)
3F, No.19, Lane 252,
Tun-Hua S. Road Sec. 1, Taipei, Taiwan

  Tel +886-2-8771 3372
Fax +886-2-8771 3421
  電子郵件信箱 [email]htpg@ms27.hinet.net



SHContemporary 參展藝術家:
Alterazioni Video




Chang Chien-Chi 張乾琦
Currently based in New York, Magnum photographer Chang Chien-Chi is known for his series titled The Chain, black and white photo documentation of psychiatric inmates chained together in pairs at the infamous Lung-fa-tang asylum in Taiwan.

Chen Chieh-Jen 陳界仁
Chen Chieh-Jen digitally altered black and white photographs of torture scenes that act as commentary on colonization and the gaze of the oppressor. In his recent film work he links physical torture scenes of the body in pain with that of economic strangulation of a nation in the age of globalization.

Chen Shun-Chu 陳順築
Chen Shun-Chu's photographic installations bring to mind the work of French author Marcel Proust. Like Proust, Chen is also searching for lost time. Chen tackles the deep metaphysical issues of life and death poetically, yet with the distancing effect via the use of photographic technology. Chen's recollection is in black and white, as achromatic images have a tone of authority telling the viewer this is a factual image; this is the truth. Even though recapturing the past is fleeting, Chen reminds us that the desire for remembering the past is also a desire for the life well-lived.

Chen Yung-hsien 陳永賢
Chen Yung-hsien makes performative videos. His body in effect then becomes a scroll or a canvas for his calligraphic markings. In the 5'22'' video "Release" the artist's head is wrapped in bacon slabs tied to his head which then are slowly snipped off.

Hsu Yu-Jen 許雨仁
Hsu Yu-Jen's ephemeral Chinese ink brush paintings evoke landscapes by the barest of lines, and become more like psychological landscapes where the viewer then fills in the rest.

Huang Chih-yang 黃致陽
Huang Chih-yang's ink scroll combines ancient Chinese metaphysical thought with abstract mark-making that creates a visual buzz as the empty spaces between the strokes seem to vibrate. His Zoon series of floor to ceiling-high scrolls painted with calligraphic marks that looked figurative and abstract at the same time brought him international acclaim.

Hung Tung-Lu 洪東祿
Hung Tung-Lu is the only Taiwanese artist who has done an Absolut ad. Working with lenticulars, Hung creates futuristic scenes that combine Manga images with traditional Chinese temples. In the Nirvana series, he imagines an idyllic life in the future, which is a feature of much contemporary Taiwanese art. The nostalgia for the past is overshadowed by an incredible desire for a brighter tomorrow.

Lin Chuan-Chu 林銓居
Lin Chuan-Chu's Chinese scroll ink paintings are poetic and timeless. For example, Grains under Moonlight shows the power of empty space as the scroll contains a small dot of yellow for the moon, a gray squiggle of cloud and a small mound of yellow kernels. Like a Haiku, the painting says a lot with just a little.

Peng Hung-chih 彭弘智
Peng Hung-chih creates humorous drawings, sculptures, interactive installations, performances and videos mainly featuring the dog, as the dog becomes the metaphor for us. Peng previously worked with wind-up toys - shiny, plastic, absurd, obsolete, throwaway – to convey themes of futility and pessimism to reflect on the current global economic situation. Toys are common and represent the majority voice, yet are also receptacles for one's hopes and feelings. And as a child with no sense of history, the toy, just like the pet dog, creates a link to the world of pure imagination, a world void of the dystopia of capitalism and social surveillance, a complete unadulterated place, which Peng so craves to recapture through his art.

Tsui Kuang-Yu 崔廣宇
Tsui Kuang-Yu gained immediate recognition for his single-channel performative videos in which he, as both director and filmed subject, showed the absurdity of contemporary life in a Buster Keaton-meets-Chinese-Kung-fu-masters-metaphysical kind of way. Based on scientific principles such as mimicry and adaptation, Tsui's work also refers to the social body as organism.

Wu Tien Chang 吳天章
Wu Tien Chang made a smooth transition from political-based mural-sized paintings to digital prints evoking the burlesque and vernacular culture of Taiwan of the mid-twentieth century. Again that wistful nostalgia for the past, for the favorite Taiwanese love songs, for the famous local movie stars crops up in his staged photographic settings.

Yao Jui-Chung 姚瑞中
The highly versatile and prolific Yao Jui-Chung publishes books, curates shows, and exhibits his photographs, drawings and installations. His drawings and photographic performances present a biting social commentary on what it is like to be a Taiwanese in the shadow of the mainland.

Yu Peng 于彭
Yu Peng is a highly respected master of Chinese brush ink painting that is done with a contemporary twist. His figurative works, often of nudes, are erotic, both in imagery and in the sensitive handling of the line and contain a wistful yearning for the past and a desire for the flesh and the tactile.

Yuan Goang-ming 袁廣鳴
Yuan Goang-ming w
