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[楼主] 郑宏昌 2017-10-04 20:48:02

循环迁移 | 郑宏昌个展

策展人 | 祁震

艺术家| 郑宏昌

主办 |泛空间

协办 | 凤凰含章艺术中心

展览时间 |2017.10.01-10.13

展览地址 | 798艺术区707街红石广场 泛空间



郑宏昌此次个展延续了他上一个展览中作品的创作路线,即以一种游戏化的视觉机器呈现出一种具有幻象特质的影像存在,然而在此次展览作品中,郑宏昌并没有持续把精力放在将影像与物体拼合成一个关联的装置上,这次他则是将关注点放在了制造纯粹的“影”上面。如果说郑宏昌之前的作品还有很多法国艺术家Pierrick Sorin的影子,并对这一套影像装置的制作方法已经熟练地掌握了,那从这次展览中的主要作品中可以看出来他在有意识地让自己脱离“舒适之地”。

▲ 展览现场  左起 / 艺术家陈志泽、策展人祁震、艺术家郑宏昌、艺术家唐龙

▲ 展览现场  左起 / 艺术家郑宏昌、策展人,越后妻有大地艺术节中国推广人 孙倩


▲ 展览现场  左起 / 著名制片人李振平、艺术家郑宏昌

▲ 展览现场  左起 / 艺术家郑宏昌、艺术家何云昌、艺术家张竹筠


▲ 展览现场  左起 / 艺术家张竹筠、艺术家郑宏昌、艺术家乔治

▲ 展览现场  右起 / 艺术家朱久洋、艺术家郑宏昌及友人尤洁

Motion in Repetition

- Preface for Zheng Hongchang’s 798 Solo Exhibition

In the upcoming solo exhibition, the artist Zheng Hongchang continues along the same creative path as his previous one which evolves around the presence of phantom-like images created through a game-like visual mechanism, however, the focus in the artworks exhibited this time have shifted away from the idea of placing projected images and materialistic objects into the same installation piece, instead, the artist the new focal emphasis is upon the creation of "pure image".

▲ 展览现场  策展人祁震接受媒体采访

▲ 展览现场  右起 / 艺术家张竹筠、艺术家郑宏昌、策展人祁震、艺术家唐龙

If one were to say that the artist's previous works carried much influence of French artist Pierrick Sorin, and that Zheng Hongchnag can fully translate the methods that Sorin applied, then the key works in this exhibition can also be said that Zheng had veered away from his "comfort zone". The works of this exhibition shows the mechanical parts of the bass section of an old accordion being attached to a motor, the artist made 3D-scans of his body and printed out in 3D puppets of his body, which he connects to the mechanical parts. The seemingly forced "connection" of these two "materials" may look ridged at first, but it is the light casted from theater lamps that transposes their dark shadows on the wall, that makes the two "objects" "become one", where the 3D-printed "puppets" stands in replacement of the artist's body. The puppets stand in different poses, and they come from Zheng Hongchang’s previous arrangements, movements of the mechanical bodies coincide with the motor-driven movements of the accordion parts. The shadows created through lighting are much bigger in size than the actual objects from which they originate, the theatrical effect produced brings a sense to mystique to not only the artworks but the entire exhibition space as well.

▲ 展览现场  左起 / 友人母元珑

▲ 展览现场  左起 / 艺术家高才、艺术家郑宏昌、艺术家张竹筠、艺术家宋晓静

▲ 展览现场  左起 / 艺术家欧阳泉、艺术家螺丝刀、艺术家郑宏昌

▲ 展览现场  左起 / 艺术家郑宏昌、艺术家于艾君

The artist asks the audience to maintain their "dual-spectatorship" when viewing his artwork, just as Susan Sontag’s notion states that the viewing of the audience is of dual-spectatorship nature. In the first spectatorship, the audience views the miniaturized puppets of the artist's body, and in the second spectatorship, the audience views the person to which the 3D-bodied puppets refer. Through the connection of the mechanical movements of the body and the mechanical movements of the objects, the artist tries to self-perceive, as well as the materializations and dissimilation within the self. Through the looped repetition and the movements of relocation, the artist tries to realize the signification in life and the impossibility of self-id.

Qi Zhen

September 2017

▲ 展览现场  媒体人海东与策展人祁震先生交流

▲ 展览现场  右起 / 艺术家郑宏昌、艺术家姚运、艺术家姚灵

▲ 展览现场  左起 / 艺术家张竹筠、艺术家郑宏昌及友人尤洁

▲ 展览现场  艺术家何云昌接受媒体采访

▲ 展览现场  艺术家郑宏昌与友人

▲ 展览现场  右起 / 媒体统筹海东、艺术家郑宏昌及友人

▲ 展览现场  策展人祁震携夫人参观展览

▲ 展览现场  艺术家郑宏昌接受媒体采访

▲ 展览现场  左起 / 艺术家郑宏昌、友人陈晓君、艺术家张竹筠、友人张玉花

▲ 展览现场  左起 / 艺术家晋家伟、艺术家郑宏昌、艺术家张竹筠

▲ 展览现场  左起 / 艺术家王悦、艺术家郑宏昌、艺术家张竹筠、设计师刘苏铁

▲ 展览现场  左起 / 艺术家韦苇、艺术家张竹筠、张竹筠父亲、著名制片人李振平、友人、艺术家何云昌、艺术家郑宏昌、友人陈晓君、友人张玉花、艺术家陈卫群、艺术家孟祥龙

▲ 展览现场  左起 / 艺术家张竹筠父母、友人刘岩生、艺术家郑宏昌、高级工程师刘金毅、高级氩弧焊技师刘征、友人孟萍、工程师夫人胡小凤、艺术家张竹筠

▲ 展览现场  生火造饭

▲ 展览现场  夜幕降临,入席啦....





