上海策展人实验室SCL |开营在即! 27位艺术界大咖云集,揭秘最强讲师阵容及讲座主题
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[楼主] 广州画廊 2018-11-03 19:29:05

陈丹笛子  Chen Dandizi

陈拍岸  Chen Pai'an

Dalton Gata

郭城  Guo Cheng

山河跳!Mountain River Jump!

秦晋  Qin Jin

孙文浩  Sun Wenhao

文俊杰  Wen Junjie

伍思波  Wu Sibo

肖武聪  Xiao Wucong

闫欣悦  Yan Xinyue

*艺术家秦晋新作《命运1&2》为西岸博览会场地定制绘画。Latest work "Destiny 1&2" of artist Qin Jin is West Bund specific site custom.

2018 上海西岸艺术与设计博览会

2018 Shanghai West Bund Art & Design


2555 Longteng Avenue, West Bund Art Center, Shanghai

展位 Booth


博览会举办时间  DATE VISIT

11.7 - 11.11


11.7 12:00 - 19:00


*Your VIP card will provide you and one guest with unlimited access to the fair.

公众参观  PUBLIC

11.8 - 11.9  12:00 - 19:00

11.10 - 11.11  10:00 - 19:00


Selection of works

陈丹笛子  Chen Dandizi

Deep Relax

单频录像,彩色,有声  Single channel video, color, sound

8’  2018

图片由广州画廊提供  Courtesy the Canton Gallery

陈拍岸  Chen Pai'an

明星  Celebrity

数码绘图,油画布微喷  Digital painting, giclee on canvas

55×43cm×2  2017

图片由TABULA RASA Gallery提供  Courtesy the TABULA RASA Gallery

Dalton Gata

为中国而制 2  Made for China 2

纸本石墨  Graphite on paper

61×46cm 2018

图片由艺术家提供  Courtesy the artist

郭城  Guo Cheng

(临时的)小器具  The (Temporary) Gadget


Arduino, custom circuit, Geiger Muller tube, aluminum, carbon fiber tube, cement brick


图片由艺术家提供  Courtesy the artist

山河跳!Mountain River Jump!

归来吧黄山! Back to Huang Shan!


Certificate, future tour report and mix media installation, dimensions variable


图片由艺术家提供  Courtesy the artist

孙文浩  Sun Wenhao

对腋下凸点的研究 00.03  Research of the Bumps Under Armpit 00.03

布面油画丙烯  Acrylic and oil on canvas

80×60cm  2018

图片由艺术家提供  Courtesy the artist

文俊杰  Wen Junjie

硬盘珍珠蚌  Hard Disk Pearl Shell

机械硬盘,珍珠,亚克力板   HDD, pearl, acrylic

28×21×6cm  2017

图片由艺术家提供  Courtesy the artist

伍思波  Wu Sibo

戏  Opera

布面油画  Oil on canvas

90×110cm  2018

图片由艺术家提供  Courtesy the artist

肖武聪  Xiao Wucong

梯  Ladder

纸本丙烯  Acrylic on paper

143×207cm  2018

图片由艺术家提供  Courtesy the artist

闫欣悦  Yan Xinyue

午夜信息  Midnight Message

布面油画  Oil on canvas

60×80cm  2018

图片由艺术家提供  Courtesy the artist
