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[楼主] 上苑艺术馆 2018-05-12 23:44:37

【展讯】Alexander Höglund(瑞典)和 Emilie Palmelund(丹麦)《筑巢之影》行为艺术19日在上苑艺术馆
[News] Alexander Höglund (Swedish) and Emilie Palmelund (Denmark) NESTING SHADES  Performance Art 19th in the Shangyuan Art Museum

参展艺术家/ Artist

Alexander Höglund  (瑞典,行为及多媒体 Sweden, Performance Art and Multimedia和 Emilie Palmelund(丹麦)

参与互动艺术家 Participate in the artist:

黄璨 Tsan Huang、陶瑀 Yu Tao、Cynthia Fusillo、阿里吃 Alice、凯砸 Wen、Emilie Palmelund、薛畅 Chang Xue、聂以为 Yiwei Nie、Carlos Carvalho、刘柏林 Berlin Liu、谭勤 Qin Tan、常鑫 Xin Chang、Vivian Druga、任鹤 Renhe、赵文娟 Wenjuan Zhao、Polly Williams、Hadi Lofti、Goran Stakic、詹明昭 Mingzhao Jim、Robin Brass、徐飞 Fei Xu、Chris Helser、Dr. 程小蓓 Xiaobei Cheng、晓音 Xiaon Yin、Alexander Höglund、王俊鹏 Junpeng Wang、Jesper O. T. Anderson、唐果 Guo Tang、李念奴 Li Niannu、王刘健 Wang Liu Jian


City: Beijing


Opening:  19th of May, 4PM – LATE,, 2018

地点:北京怀柔区桥梓镇沙峪口村 燕山下

Venue:  Shangyuan Art Museum, Qiaozi County, Huairou District, Beijing


Organizer: Shangyuan Art Museum

I won’t think about the constellations we have made for the stars,

Resting on the unfinished wall with a seat for me to become someone else for some time,

Cracking mold you became a shell for the nesting shades,

Growing in but never up, strumming our hands with thorns,

Breathing dust in the hinterland of subjectivities


Follow the trail from Shangyuan art community in the North of Beijing and you will find the shell of an unfinished house. It is located a stone’s throw from a railroad with cargo trains passing by connecting Northern and Southern China. The ruin hosts remnants of past encounters merging together with new ones as we move our bodies to its cracking sounds. This is an exhibition that brings together artists and poets from China and abroad reacting to the site of the ruins.




The exhibition opens at 4PM at Shangyuan Art Museum with a performance after which we will head to the show at the ruin where different happenings will take place during the late afternoon. Around 7.30PM we will head back to Shangyuan Art Museum for dinner and party.





北京 上苑艺术馆-  电话: 010-60635299 60635757

交通指南 :


□京承高速12出口 > 右拐过水渠西行2KM > 良善庄路口北行到底>右拐300m路北
