开年对话 | 翁笑雨:新的一年放缓脚步,做一些有重量和体积的事情
发起人:小白小白  回复数:0   浏览数:1925   最后更新:2019/02/11 13:13:48 by 小白小白
[楼主] 广州画廊 2019-02-11 13:13:48


Mountain River Jump! at South 3F&4F, Bund Finance Center, Shanghai

December 2018~ Spring 2019
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Mountain River Jump! has chosen 49 Chinese animal idioms frequently used in daily lives, then illustrated for them and made them into 49 divinatory cards. We can see how our ancestors described the human'ssituation through animal idioms. This kind of metaphors can be also found in Zhou Yi. Mountain River Jump! is using Cards of Chinese Animal Idioms to see what will come out when eastern cultural genes mix with fortunetelling in the context of the contemporary world. Meanwhile, they have strong curiosity towards human psychology and of individuals' narration.


Mountain River Jump! at Fang Suo Commune Guangzhou

January 10th, 2019 ~ February 27th
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山河跳!(黄山+黄河)在节庆期间呈现这座融合传统记忆与当代生活元素的快闪式“庙宇”: 桃花星祠。这件开放式的作品包含了占卜视频与签占系统,图像和文本皆是创作的一部分。在其间你还可以系上表达心愿的许愿带。

Conceived by Mountain River Jump! (Huang Shan + Huang He), Temple of Peach Blossom Stars can be seemed as a pop up "temple" which contains traditional memories as well as elements of contemporary life. There are oracles and a divination video in this site-specific art piece. Images and text are parts of the creative results. You are welcome to tie your own wishing ribbons to express the blessing.

由方所提供  Courtesy of Fang Suo Commune

许愿带  Wishing ribbons

山河跳!是由1985年出生的双胞胎艺术家黄山、黄河的组成的艺术小组,2016年底在广州诞生。她们既有合作创作,也延续着各自长达多年的独立创作。山河跳!不避讳谈论在1949年至今依然处于半地下状态的民间话题,探讨兴趣穿梭古今中外,从人间信仰出发探讨主流与官方话语,并对当今现实进行语言和图像的“精神分析”, 试图剖析权力关系。创作形式包括讲座、互动工作坊、占卜行为、声音、静态或动态的视觉作品,注重人与人之间的交流和影响。

山河跳!的近期参与项目包括:“启示录”,四方当代美术馆,南京,中国(2018);“DOJO 道场”:抽象艺术寺院,Le Commun,日内瓦,瑞士(2018);“㔷埋儿童节”,PARA SITE与歌德学院,香港,中国(2018);“300年后”,K11 Art Foundation,香港,中国(2018);“深渊 Red Eyes”,泰康空间,北京(2018);“牛鬼蛇神”,牛棚艺术村,香港,中国(2017),“斗法”,SLEEPCENTER,纽约,美国(2017);“人间传说之动物成语占卜卡”,长征空间,北京,(2017)

Mountain River Jump! is an artist duo founded by identical twin sisters Huang Shan and Huang He, who were born in 1985. The two collaborate as a group while have been working independently on their own solo projects for years. They are fearless in discussing subjects that can only be talked about behind closed doors, such as samsara, astrology, card divination, ghost stories, and mythology. They have broad interests in the ancient and the modern, and attempt to apply ‘cultural psychoanalysis’, at both the linguistic and visual levels, to their study of the reality of the present. They also examine mainstream and official discourses through their research of folklore, analyzing the social-power relationship. Their artistic practices cover a range of formats, including static visual works, moving images, sound, lectures, workshops, and divination behaviors while emphasizing the importance of communications between people.

Recent participated projects include : "Revelation", Sifang Art Museum, Nanjing, China (2018), "DOJO le temple de l’abstraction", Le Commun, Genéva, Switzerland (2018), “Underground-children-festival”, ParaSite and Goethe-Institut, Hong Kong, China (2018), “After Three Hundred Years”, K11 Art Foundation, Hong Kong, China (2018), “Red Eyes”, Taikang Space, Beijing, China (2018), “Ox-ghosts and Serpent Spirits”, Cattle Depot Artist Village, Hong Kong, China (2017), "Reality Check", SLEEPCENTER, New York, America (2017), "Legends in Human World / Cards of Chinese Animal Idioms", Long March Space, Beijing, China (2017)
