2007 MRS春季会议“科学的艺术”得奖照片
发起人:包打听a  回复数:1   浏览数:2803   最后更新:2007/10/04 10:12:51 by
[楼主] 包打听a 2007-09-27 16:42:44

2007 MRS春季会议“科学的艺术”得奖照片


819 × 507

1st Place Winner
Gold Nanopyramids
High resolution scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of gold nanopyramids supported by silicon pedestals. The orientation-dependent optical properties of the nanoparticle arrays have revealed new insight into the interaction between light and materials at the nanoscale. These structures are also being explored in applications such as chemical and biological sensing and nanophotonics. Joel Henzie developed the large-area (>1 in. 2 covered by ~10 8 pyramids) nanofabrication techniques to create the pyramids while working in the Odom lab at Northwestern University . The results are published in J. Phys. Chem. B [Joel Henzie, Kevin L. Shuford, Eun-Soo Kwak, George C. Schatz, and Teri W. Odom, J. Phys. Chem. B ., 2006, 110 , 14028-14031].
Credit: Joel Henzie, Northwestern University

第一名: 纳米黄金金字塔: Joel Henzie, Northwestern University
高分辨扫描电镜照片:在硅衬底上的金的纳米金字塔.。这种纳米颗粒的阵列的光学性能具有方向相关性。这种特性使得人人们对于纳米尺度里的光-物质的作用具有了更深的理解。科学家正在探索这种结构在化学,生物和纳米光子学上的应用。 在Northwestern 大学里Odom lab的Joel Henzie 已经研究出大尺度(在一平方英寸里有10的8次方个纳米金字塔)的纳米制备技术。他们的结果发飙在J. Phys. Chem. B [Joel Henzie, Kevin L. Shuford, Eun-Soo Kwak, George C. Schatz, and Teri W. Odom, J. Phys. Chem. B ., 2006, 110 , 14028-14031].

1000 × 911

并列第一名: 向日葵:Matthew Lloyd, Cornell University


并列第一名: 清晨林中漫步:Suresh Donthu, Northwestern University


1019 × 714

并列第一名: 上古时代--- “从古典到量子艺术”:Ee Jin Teo, National University of Singapore

A 500×500 μm photoluminescence image of “Ancient of Days” was created in porous silicon using focused helium beam writing and subsequent electrochemical etching in hydrofluoric acid. Due to quantum confinement effect, visible light emission is observed from the nanosized silicon skeleton left behind after etching. It is found that pre-irradiation with a helium beam is able to change the local resistivity of the silicon and the emission wavelength of the porous silicon formed. The higher the dose of the beam, the redder the photoluminescence wavelength becomes. Here, we see that the figure of the man is depicted in orange and his face and masculinity is highlighted by the black outline created using high dose irradiation. His left hand reaches out for a pair of compass that is rested on a red sphere, surrounded with a yellowish orange aura. Using the high resolution capability of focused ion beam writing, we are able to transform William Blake’s piece of classical art into an image consisting of finely tuned nanocrystals, which we call ‘quantum art’.
Credit: Ee Jin Teo, National University of Singapore
利用高分辨率的聚焦离子束写入技术,偶们可以把William Blake的经典名画转移到有可以精细调节的纳米晶体上。偶们呢,成这个叫“量子艺术”。

1280 × 862

第二:纳米 棒棒糖 名 Sarang Ingole, Arizona State University

This picture is showing side-view of a silicon-nanowire held between and resting on two opposite nickel electrodes. One end (right side) of the nanowire has small nickel sphere on it which makes it look like a lollipop and since here it is with nanowire we gave it a name “Nano-pop”. This picture was captured using Hitachi S-4700 FESEM while the normal to the sample was making 85 degrees angle with respect to primary electron beam of the FESEM.


2272 × 1600

并列第二名: 砷化镓海底生物,Candace Lynch, Air Force Research Laboratory

GaAs Sea Creatures
This is an image of defects on a GaAs surface following hydride vapor phase epitaxy.  The image was taken using a Nikon Optical Microscope with Nomarski contrast.

氢化物气相外延后砷化镓表面的缺陷图。利用Nomarski 相衬(微分干涉相衬)技术,由尼康光学显微镜拍摄而成。

800 × 483

并列第二名:花粉上的黄昏,Samuel Shian, Georgia Insitute of Technology
Pollen Dawn
This SEM image was taken from surface of a TiO2 pollen. The pollen was converted into titania chemistry by using shape-preserving gas-solid displacement reaction. The apparent grainy surface was nanocrystalline anatase. The original image was manipulated in an image editing program to add color and lighting effects.


2100 × 851

并列第二名: 纳米金表面的水滴,Steve Shrimpton, University of Southampton

Water on a Nanostructured Gold Surface
The image is a photograph of a droplet of water sitting on a nanostructured gold surface prepared by templated electrodeposition.  The colours are produced by the reflection of white light and excitation of surface plasmons on the structured surface.  Surfaces of this type show strong surface enhancement for SERS of molecules adsorbed at their surface.
Credit: P. N. Bartlett, University of Southampton


[沙发:1楼] guest 2007-10-04 10:12:51