发起人:nirvara  回复数:8   浏览数:2747   最后更新:2007/09/06 04:58:57 by
[楼主] nirvara 2007-09-05 18:32:58
[沙发:1楼] nirvara 2007-09-05 18:34:28
[板凳:2楼] nirvara 2007-09-05 18:34:51
    “Bubble”is the Key
    Ai Weiwei
    In the series oil painting works Chinese Mythology, we can feel that the oriental aesthetics and wisdom we are familiar with are activated by Shu Yong's bright and gorgeous "bubbles". In such a different and strange realm created by bubbles, various mythological figures who had already been reduced to our daily decorations are waken up, and those mythologies are again reviewed and recognized by us.
    Actually these mythologies and figures have always been the most direct image carriers of Chinese culture, wisdom and philosophy for thousands of years. The form and evolution process of these images are right the intuitive form of Chinese aesthetics and evolution process of social aesthetics. They are our precious cultural wealth. However, as impacted by western cultures, we turned a blind eye to these wealth and even forgot them. With "bubbles"he is used to and fascinated about as the medium, Shu Yong fixs and introduces this culture to current society in the way of combining performances, concepts and oil paintings. When we locate these graphics in contemporary Chinese context, we find that these Chinese ancient mythologies are just in coincidence with some status of current China, that is in years of development, China has been creating new mythologies and miracles in this international society in a way unimaginable and intangible to the westerners.
    Such kind of Chinese mythology seems to be a puzzle to most of the westerners, mysterious China and mysterious mythology. Obviously just this puzzle offers mysterious powers and endless charm to China. I believe that viewers of these works, including westerners and Chinese who have neglected and forgetten traditional Chinese culture, will experience a process of exploring and tracing back Chinese culture, economy, politics and religions. Maybe they can never clearly understand these puzzles, but one day it will not be hard for them to understand Chinese mythologies and mythologies being created when they are close enough to the answers. Here Shu Yong's "bubble" become a special key to a knowledge space having been sealed up by us for long, where we may find exhaustless wealth.
[地板:3楼] nirvara 2007-09-05 18:35:22
    Mythology in Reality
    Zhao shulin
    The crisis of painting has already been undeniable. Shu Yong began his art creation early in the 1990s and deep in his heart, or say in every artist, there is a complex of painting. When first getting in touch with fine arts, Shu Yong was quite fascinate about the representing ability or the visualization of painting. When first into contemporary art, he found his love in expressing ability of painting or pure pursue of a formalistic aesthetics. In his recent works Chinese Mythology Series, SHU Yong tries to clear up misunderstanding towards him from “contemporary art circles”, while show his own temperament of a traditional artist in this way.
    In Chinese Mythology series, Shu Yong chooses a combination between those traditional mythologies people are familiar with and bubbles. Oriental mythologies like Pig Bajie, A Carp Leaping over the Dragon's Gate, Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea and A Bumper Harvest are located in a bubble world dreamingly. In these scenes bubbles replace former clouds and mists to to show those mythological images in a more gorgeous and nihilistic way. All desires and dreams of all images are carried by bubbles and emerge clear on the pictures and then enter into our cultural experiences. These dreams show nice wishes of their creators behind those mythological images. So who created these images? Obviously it is the whole society that created them and adds new meanings to them day after day. Shu Yong tries to present those mythological images through solid porcelain materials as clearly compared with those visionary bubbles. The society is realistic and burdened and requires too many things. Bubbles grow and increase continuously, but they will finally be destroyed, with the hope of the society they carried collapsing as well. Then the so-called “mythology” will never come true.
    Chinese Mythology, though a significant theme, SHU Yong managed to smartly convert this heaviness and elaborate it in a limited image in his own joking way. Subjects in Chinese mythology never change no matter what Chinese mythology was, is and will be. They represent people in the past, at present and in the future who are trying to elevate themselves through layers of clouds and mists. However, what if they find that these clouds and mists are only visionary bubbles? Shu Yong sees the impossibility behind the mythology and the desire of the whole society, then indifferently, he uses his bubbles again to show his wisdom to the viewers and warn them of the visionary nature of social desires. He doesn’t pretend to be profound via these bubbles and then tell some basic truths already lost in current society in a simple language.he series of Chinese Mythology was painted according to photos he took after some scenery settings. Therefore, the conceptual meaning of the works is far outstriping the painting meaning of works. It is an extension to his consistent style that the society inspires him and vice versa.
[4楼] nirvara 2007-09-05 18:35:54
    Mythology in Reality
    Zhao shulin
    The crisis of painting has already been undeniable. Shu Yong began his art creation early in the 1990s and deep in his heart, or say in every artist, there is a complex of painting. When first getting in touch with fine arts, Shu Yong was quite fascinate about the representing ability or the visualization of painting. When first into contemporary art, he found his love in expressing ability of painting or pure pursue of a formalistic aesthetics. In his recent works Chinese Mythology Series, SHU Yong tries to clear up misunderstanding towards him from “contemporary art circles”, while show his own temperament of a traditional artist in this way.
    In Chinese Mythology series, Shu Yong chooses a combination between those traditional mythologies people are familiar with and bubbles. Oriental mythologies like Pig Bajie, A Carp Leaping over the Dragon's Gate, Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea and A Bumper Harvest are located in a bubble world dreamingly. In these scenes bubbles replace former clouds and mists to to show those mythological images in a more gorgeous and nihilistic way. All desires and dreams of all images are carried by bubbles and emerge clear on the pictures and then enter into our cultural experiences. These dreams show nice wishes of their creators behind those mythological images. So who created these images? Obviously it is the whole society that created them and adds new meanings to them day after day. Shu Yong tries to present those mythological images through solid porcelain materials as clearly compared with those visionary bubbles. The society is realistic and burdened and requires too many things. Bubbles grow and increase continuously, but they will finally be destroyed, with the hope of the society they carried collapsing as well. Then the so-called “mythology” will never come true.
    Chinese Mythology, though a significant theme, SHU Yong managed to smartly convert this heaviness and elaborate it in a limited image in his own joking way. Subjects in Chinese mythology never change no matter what Chinese mythology was, is and will be. They represent people in the past, at present and in the future who are trying to elevate themselves through layers of clouds and mists. However, what if they find that these clouds and mists are only visionary bubbles? Shu Yong sees the impossibility behind the mythology and the desire of the whole society, then indifferently, he uses his bubbles again to show his wisdom to the viewers and warn them of the visionary nature of social desires. He doesn’t pretend to be profound via these bubbles and then tell some basic truths already lost in current society in a simple language.he series of Chinese Mythology was painted according to photos he took after some scenery settings. Therefore, the conceptual meaning of the works is far outstriping the painting meaning of works. It is an extension to his consistent style that the society inspires him and vice versa.
[5楼] nirvara 2007-09-05 18:41:42
    When Commonness Encounters Avant-garde
    Li Daoliu
    Shu Yong, an artist having engaged in contemporary art circles for years but not made a living by art, is always associated with unexpected hypes and familiar neglect of his own job in people's mind. For most people, this avant-garde artist with a complex identification labels himself with "media hypes". Therefore, when Shu Yong who is regarded to be good at making hypes finally showed his works Chinese Mythology to the public, people more or less felt a little astonishment. In this group of works, Shu Yong did not take the way against orthodoxy, but directly reused traditional common themes to create oil paintings. It seems to be a kind of risk-taking for an avant-garde artist, but it is just in accordance with the point of view that "Commonness is a kind of power" Shu Yong used to claim. Just as what we see, representational patterns like Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea and A Carp Leaping over the Dragon's Gate are presented in a vulgar way. Though the mythology itself is ridiculous, traditional Chinese culture has formed a psychological hint to an established nice dream for long. Therefore in such a thinking and context, when Shu Yong combines his highly worshiped "bubble" symbol with mythological themes in a strange way, it brings a kind of ridiculous feelings to mythological themes that are not ridiculous any more. Obviously, Chinese Mythology is a natural extension logically to Bubble Painting. He explains to us another common wish in a ridiculous context in a re-narrating way. For Shu Yong, bubbles are flowery but easiest to vanish. When the most avant-garde artist encounters the most common themes, we will unconsciously find that commonness is no longer commonness while mythology is no longer mythology.
    高 岭
    Happy Like Bubbles
    Gao Ling
    There is a very important point we should get in when viewing Shu Yong's art creations, that is, he uses a large number of soap bubbles in his works. In a series of performance art and photographic works, we can see his bubbles wafting everywhere. Even his most disputed breast sculpture created in recent half year is also a kind of elaboration of bubble image on human body. Now it is so surprised for us to find that he spent 12 months in creating this batch of oil paintings which are still overflowing with his favorite bubbles.
    In this batch of works he names Chinese Mythology, bubbles are closely combined with prayer mythologies popular among ancient Chinese and really refreshing. The reason for us to say that Shu Yong's oil painting is innovative and fresh is that other artists used to represent themes like Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea, A Bumper Harvest, Happy Marriage, and Wish My Son Succeed in Life directly in the form of painting including colour ink, woodcut and New Year painting, or sculpture including porcelain, wood and bamboo; while SHU Yong does not use his skilled language techniques of oil painting to represent these traditional mythologies and prayer stories, but turns these mythological figures into folk colour carving on porcelain and located on the water surface seemingly visionary as the abode of Fairy Mother Goddess. Therefore, those god figures originally fabricated by the ancients to express their ideals and wishes are peeled off from that fabricated context in the form of porcelain and displaced to a new water world.
    We can see Shu Yong's special understanding and expressing attitude to Chinese mythology just from this kind of clever carrier transfer and space displacement of figures in his paintings. But we prefer to see that he further uses his special bubble symbols in the picture and gains a combination of porcelain figures, water surface and water bubbles, leading to a three-layered relationship in the picture. Firstly, he represents the figures as porcelain figures to achieve the imagination, subjectivity and frangibility of thoese figures and folk mythologies; Secondly, effeminate, immense and uncontrollable water world enhances the unreality and uncertainty of mythologies and fitures; Thirdly, accumulation and waffling of water bubbles, as well as their mysterious glows clue to people the unreality and impermanency of happiness prayer.
    Apparently, Shu Yong's paintings seem to explain the unreality of traditional Chinese mythologies. However, if considering his art creation activities in 10 years, we can further understand that this time he ta
[6楼] nirvara 2007-09-05 18:42:45
多面审思 谁的新时代
    上海多伦现代美术馆,将于2007年9月6日在举办艺术家“管勇个展”。此次展览的主题是“多面审思 谁的新时代”, 这一主题深植于艺术家对当下中国艺术现状、中国当代社会状况的审视思考。
    作品中的人物造型形象启发于具有“知识权力”象征意义的“笔型”。 笔与人物造型及其身份、功能相辅相成。人物那有意拉长的体型,那模式化的发型,那高贵、挺拔、独立、冷峻、刚直不阿的精神气质,似乎是笔的另类隐喻象征。在管勇的画作中,人物有着一个从以前胖乎乎、略带些呆滞茫然的形象,走向现在一种瘦长体形、高贵冷峻、庄重沉思、强调个体独立性形象的转变过程。如果说前者形象更加展现出自我空洞和丧失独立的主体,正处于虚无、迷惘甚或焦虑的状态;而后者,即近期完成作品中的个体人物形象造型,更加强调了主体的质疑、省思、独立、自主,处于一种思考而行动中的状态,似乎正积极地融入并影响着他所在的这个时代。这一过程仿佛昭示着中国当代人的一种自身主体意识及状态的转变过程。展现着艺术家对这个时代中
    色彩上,以红、黄、黑为主,源于艺术家所出生成长的独有民族文化之根。“红色”在中国,具有强烈的民族性与内在心里经验性,它深深沉淀在每个中国人的心里,并占有很大的面积。同时,大面积刺目的红色给予强烈的视觉张力和心灵震憾感。而“黄色”,在中国,具有特殊意义,即它是中华民族的象征,而更浅显而表面上的意义,它更多是与中国的黄河、黄土地、中国人的肤色是黄色相关。“黑色” ,在古代中国是众色之王,也是中国古代文化史上单色崇拜最长的色系。而中国传统绘画中所强调的对黑色的运用,蕴含着老庄以及禅宗的哲学内涵。进一步赋予画面高贵、肃穆、神秘、深沉的氛围。色彩以单纯的红、黄、黑三色为主的运用,富有强烈独特的中国文化象征意义和审美品格,强化了艺术家对当代中国及中国人的关照思考。然而也在某种程度上,更映射出当代人在审美理想上追求视觉的冲击力、心灵的震憾力。
    Guan Yong’s Solo Exhibition:
    Multiaspect Reflection Whose New Age
    —— On Guan Yong’s Art
    Shanghai Duolun Museum of Modern Art will hold Guan Yong’s Solo Exhibition on Septmber 6th to Septmber 16th 2007.
    The theme of this exhibition is “Multiaspect Reflection, Whose New Age”, which deeply imbedded in the artist’s reflection on the status quo of Chinese art and contemporary Chinese society.
    China of 21st Century is in a time of “social change” or “social transformation”, which embodies the profound changes in economic system, social structure, culture mode, concept of value and so on. People living in this society are experiencing a series of self-reflection and self-collection.
    As the subject of present Chinese society, people are experiencing all of these, and inevitably affected by them, and change subtly. As it is in western world, in China, a big group of people of distinct Chinese characteristics has come into being—they are independent and have strong self-awareness; they scatter in every field of the society and have outstanding achievements ; they have no material worry and know how to enjoy their spiritual life; they put emphasis on the taste of life. Their existence, their thoughts, their requests and concepts are all promoting and changing the Chinese economic, cultural and every other level’s development, and having great effects. The time seems to be a new era of them.
    Based on the above, Guan Yong’s art reflects in a multiway, and profoundly shows a person’s emotional state and evidence of existence in the social process as a subject of the society: a subject goes through doubt, confusion, reflection, and at last enters a state in which they think and take actions at the same time. They used to be floating in the air and at last found their own sense of belongingness. They are wondering at the deep level of the society and culture, emphasizing the independence, subjectiveness and value of an individual, and the ideal, role, concept of value and sense of responsibility that the new Chinese social class and elite should hold. They not only live affluently but should have their own sense of historic responsibility and be spiritual representatives.
    Guan Yong’s artistic language is special, and has tense personal creative language features which are quite different from present art.
    The typical images in Guan Yong’s works were inspired by “pen-shape” which symbolizes “intelligent power”. The pen and the image and status of the character supplement each other. The character’s stretched body, fixed hairstyle, noble, straight, independent, cool and upright temperament seem to be the symbolic meaning of pen. In Guan Yong’s works, characters transfer from plump and sluggish images to slim, noble, solemn and contemplating im
[7楼] nirvara 2007-09-05 18:45:12
    疑 問
    改革開放,致使全世界的文化與資訊快速滲入社會產生急速變化,各項體制也相繼地隨之改變;新的時代以溢注之勢降臨,沒有時間反應,來不及思考。這種渾淆複雜的體悟發生在中国当代人身上,這個世代的人價值觀在產生化學變化,知識認知在產生物理變化。是什麼在操縱改變這個時代?為什麼我們的認知與事實真相會有如此的差距?為什麼不同時代會有不同的認知?為什麼不同文化會有不同的價值觀? 誰對?誰錯?誰是?誰非?迷惑、不解、猜忌、猶豫,請問、發問、詢問、追問、審問,辯論、爭論……, 還是堅持己見,各說各的,還是疑惑?我們這一代將何去何從……
    迷 惘
    審 思
    Whose New Age
    Since the reformation and opening policies to the beginning of 21st century, China has become the focus of the whole world and this attracts various cultures, economies and information from all over the world to come into China. All of these are inflicted upon young people born after the Cultural Revolution, to whom this is an unprecedented experience and transforming process. From resisting to accepting gradually, they experienced exploration, doubting, puzzling (can’t find the direction) and reflection (distinguish and think carefully), and at last recognized that a new age is coming. This age is the combination of eastern and western cultures. It is so multicultural that the new generation has various thoughts and features. Through continuous exploring, conflicting, accepting and mixing, the new generation’s self-consciousness is rising and self-declaration is sprouting until one day they find their own way that they’ll stick to. They no longer completely imitate the western world, and they give up their teachers’ tuition, following and floating. Now they have their own thoughts, requests and opinions. They’ve found back the main characteristics and connotation of Chinese cultural elements. The greatest difference between them and the previous generation is that they suffer less bondage of political ideology and have a global view; they have pluralistic choices instead of heroic monism.
    Discovering Guanyong
    In 1990s’ Paris, through Mr. Lin Tianmin ,I got to know a French Jew who had a set of works of an early Chinese artist who studied in France. When I saw those works, I was excited and joyful. I didn’t know who the artist was, and had never heard of his name, but I bought a set of his works immediately. I first saw the works instead of hearing his name which is Changyu.
    In 1996, the Chinese art market was in depression. Two Chinese artists who studied in France in 1950s had less fame than their Chinese predecessors in the field of western art. Their works were created in an abstract form, and only few collectors could accept it. But I saw their artistic value, and I decided to purchase their works not because of their fame nor because they had market – they are Zhao Wuji and Zhu Dequn.
    In 1999, the Chinese oil painting market was not prosperous. In China, we found that the first generation of artists in oil painting were devalued. We foresaw that Chinese economy would have a great development, and these artistic works’ value would not be ignored, and they would get their deserved status – they are Xu Beihong, Lin Fengmian, Liu Haisu, Chen Baoyi, Wang Yachen…
    In 2003, we foresaw that the center of global art market would transfer to Beijing, China, from Paris of France and New York of America. We started to prepare to enter the market of Beijing and actively discover the newest generation of artists in China. In 2004, we got an album with a grey yellow cover entitled “Young Man’s Tune” from the development department. I surveyed it quickly in a usual way. After closing the album, only two or three artists impressed me. I opened the book and saw these artists again, and I saw him. Why did he attract me? The colors he used are simple and clear, having strong penetrating power; the form is special, having unique signs; his skill is precise, giving out an aesthetic feeling of material; and I also felt the relationship between this artist and the present time of China, he is – Guanyong.
    The opening policy made culture and information from all over the world penetrate into Chinese society quickly and this caused great changes, and various systems also changed accordingly; the new age came overwhelmingly, people had no time to react and think. This generation of Chinese e
[8楼] guest 2007-09-06 04:58:57