这甜蜜的宝贝 | 爱沙尼亚艺术家卡特娅·诺维兹科娃将举办在中国的首个机构个展
发起人:展览预告  回复数:0   浏览数:1668   最后更新:2017/08/17 17:14:43 by 展览预告
[楼主] 展览预告 2017-08-17 17:14:43




Is this sweet babe

The sea’s new moon, or nature unfolding?


Portrait, Katja Novitskova with her work Pattern of Activation (on Mars), 2014.Courtesy the artist; Kraupa-Tuskany Zeidler, Berlin;Greene Naftali, New York

卡特娅·诺维兹科娃 Katja Novitskova



近期于公共艺术基金(2017年);Greene Naftali画廊,纽约(2016);汉堡艺术协会,汉堡(2016);里斯本美术馆(2015);盐、巴塞尔(2014)和CCS巴德、安南德-哈德逊(2012)举办个展。卡特娅代表爱沙尼亚参加了2017年第57届威尼斯双年展,她的作品也出现在2016年的冈山艺术峰会上。

卡特娅最近在纽约现代艺术博物馆、纽约(2015)、第13届双年展(2015)、Astrup Fearnley Museum、维也纳(2015)、Astrup Fearnley Museum、奥斯陆(2014)和弗里德西纳姆(2013)参加群展。

其作品被阿斯特拉博物馆、路德维希博物馆、余德耀美术馆、Kumu艺术博物馆、 Sandretto Re Rebaudengo基金会、斯德哥尔摩当代美术馆和鲁比家族收藏。


Selected Exhibitions and Works  


Veince Biennale


Exhibtion view, Katja Novitskova, If Only You Could See What I’ve Seen With Your Eyes, Estonian Pavillon, 57th Venice Biennale, 2017;photo by Anu Vahtra.Courtesy the artist; Kraupa-Tuskany Zeidler, Berlin; Greene Naftali, New York

Exhibtion view, Katja Novitskova, If Only You Could See What I’ve Seen With Your Eyes, Estonian Pavillon, 57th Venice Biennale, 2017.Photo by Anu Vahtra.Courtesy the artist; Kraupa-Tuskany Zeidler, Berlin; Greene Naftali, New York.

Exhibtion view, Katja Novitskova, If Only You Could See What I’ve Seen With Your Eyes, Estonian Pavillon, 57th Venice Biennale, 2017.Photo by Anu Vahtra.Courtesy the artist; Kraupa-Tuskany Zeidler, Berlin; Greene Naftali, New York.

Exhibtion view, Katja Novitskova, If Only You Could See What I’ve Seen With Your Eyes, Estonian Pavillon, 57th Venice Biennale, 2017.Photo by Anu Vahtra.Courtesy the artist; Kraupa-Tuskany Zeidler, Berlin; Greene Naftali, New York.

Exhibtion view, Katja Novitskova, If Only You Could See What I’ve Seen With Your Eyes, Estonian Pavillon, 57th Venice Biennale, 2017.Photo by Anu Vahtra.Courtesy the artist; Kraupa-Tuskany Zeidler, Berlin; Greene Naftali, New York.


Public Art Fund


Exhibtion view, Katja Novitskova, If Only You Could See What I’ve Seen With Your Eyes, Estonian Pavillon, 57th Venice Biennale, 2017.Photo by Anu Vahtra.Courtesy the artist; Kraupa-Tuskany Zeidler, Berlin; Greene Naftali, New York

Exhibtion view, Katja Novitskova, Earth Potential, Art Fund, New York, 2017.Photo by Jason Wyche.Courtesy the artist; Kraupa-Tuskany Zeidler, Berlin; Greene Naftali, New York; Public Art Fund, New York.

Exhibtion view, Katja Novitskova, Earth Potential,Public Art Fund, New York, 2017.Photo by Jason Wyche.Courtesy the artist; Kraupa-Tuskany Zeidler, Berlin;Greene Naftali, New York; Public Art Fund, New York.

Exhibtion view, Katja Novitskova, Earth Potential,Public Art Fund, New York, 2017.Photo by Jason Wyche.Courtesy the artist; Kraupa-Tuskany Zeidler, Berlin;Greene Naftali, New York; Public Art Fund, New York.

Exhibtion view, Katja Novitskova, Earth Potential,Public Art Fund, New York, 2017.Photo by Jason Wyche.Courtesy the artist; Kraupa-Tuskany Zeidler, Berlin;Greene Naftali, New York; Public Art Fund, New York.

Exhibtion view, Katja Novitskova, Earth Potential,Public Art Fund, New York, 2017.Photo by Jason Wyche.Courtesy the artist; Kraupa-Tuskany Zeidler, Berlin;Greene Naftali, New York; Public Art Fund, New York.

Exhibtion view, Katja Novitskova, Earth Potential,Public Art Fund, New York, 2017.Photo by Jason Wyche.Courtesy the artist; Kraupa-Tuskany Zeidler, Berlin;Greene Naftali, New York; Public Art Fund, New York.

王 宗 孚 Victor Wang

王宗孚是一位生活在伦敦、上海两地的学者兼策展人。最近参与的展览包括韩国先锋表演档案馆(2017年)的《复述》,这是韩国著名艺术家李昆勇在英国的首次演出;Jac Leirner《Borders Are Drawn By Hand》(2016年);Neïl Beloufa《Soft(a)ware》(2016),这是在中国的法国阿尔及利亚艺术家Neïl Beloufa在上海的艺术博物馆举行的第一个机构个人展;《Ensemble sin órganos》(2016),这是第一个在哈瓦那当代艺术中心举办的以表演为基础的展;在中国国内他曾参与——《中国内部:巨人之内》 2015;他还曾为第12届哈瓦那双年展(2015)和第9届上海双年展(2012)的温哥华馆工作过。目前是Artforum的撰稿人,也是LEAP杂志香港版巴塞尔艺术展的客座编辑。2016年,他被国际艺术评论家协会(AICA)授予年轻评论家的AICA激励奖。

