Jin Feng - Site/Problem - Zendai Moma
发起人:shanghai  回复数:14   浏览数:5845   最后更新:2009/06/13 23:06:59 by guest
[楼主] shanghai 2008-12-01 13:03:57
SITE / PROBLEM- A Case of Jin Feng Presented by: Shanghai Zendai Museum of Modern Art

Dates: 29 November - 28 December, 2008
Venue: Shanghai Zendai Museum of Modern Art (No. 28, Lane 199, Fangdian Road, Shanghai, China)
Opening Reception: 4:30pm, 29 November, 2008 (Saturday)

Site / Problem-A Case of Jin Feng, solo exhibition of Jin Feng will be presented at Shanghai Zendai Museum of Modern Art on 29 November, 2008. Based upon his recent artistic exploration, the exhibition features performance, research projects, sculpture installations and web interaction, aiming to present a complete overview of Jin"s works in recent years. Jin Feng has made great efforts to integrate various sites in Chinese society into his creation, managing to liberate himself from the constraints of traditional creation modes. Dedicated to establishing a platform for artists to share ideas, Jin has proposed an idea of "focusing on the choices made and the transformation caused rather than the proposal of original themes". Whether this can be introduced as a future mode in exploring the problems of sites in Chinese society is a major theme of the exhibition. Moreover, Jin Feng refers to his work as "case", intending to avoid any possible association of hegemony which might be provoked by the usage of "methodology". Actually, it is the insights and inspiration gained and debates provoked from Jin Feng"s solo exhibition that are most worth anticipating.

[沙发:1楼] shanghai 2008-12-01 13:18:08

At the entrance of the exhibition, a 2,5 meter large, weighing 4.5 tons, sculpture of "YJ" 's head (for those who read the news...). It was exhibited in the Dashanzi festival recently. Some parts of the head stated to fall, and the face is hardly recognizable...

"No name appeal"

Photographs of a performance where people from the countryside who pressed charges against local governments are painted in a gold color, as statues, holding a "no name appeal"...

[板凳:2楼] shanghai 2008-12-01 16:02:03
Work produced in year 2008

"In the name of film"

[地板:3楼] shanghai 2008-12-01 17:58:12

Collecting 6 files for Mrs Wang

JIn Feng bought and collected objects, furnitures, clothers, daily life products belonging to Mrs Wang and the 200 more invalid orphans she raised.

He then classify them, produced glass boxes according to their dimensions, and put them in it.
In the original piece, the living "sculpture" of Wang Xiaoliu and orphans are displayed as well.





[4楼] shanghai 2008-12-02 12:53:46

Nanjing Changjiang Bridge...

[5楼] shanghai 2008-12-02 14:22:26

A project of a living statue.
Sun Jixiang, a invalid person from Tianjin, spent a few years building a 500 m road for people who have feet to walk. But as Sun Jixiang couldn't go to the exhibiiton site, this sculpture project wasn't possible to realize. Jin Feng used photographs to accomplish this work.

[6楼] shanghai 2008-12-02 14:36:42

conceptual work: "Your soul is mine" was aiming to the CEO, Li Jie, of the moon embassy.

Jin Feng downloaded the "United Nations Charter", and made a book out of it, he then covered all the characters only leaving: "your soul is mine".
The reason why this is work aims to Li Jie is: you are the artist on my mind.

When the work was presented in Beijing, there was a ceremony for this gift, Li Jie refused this work by Jin Feng, and wrote on it why he didn't want it. However to keep a good relationship, Li Jie gave him a certificate of a nomination of 'Master of Clouds'. Jin Feng accepted it, the reason was: this certification complete this work perfectly.

[7楼] shanghai 2008-12-02 14:37:39

[8楼] shanghai 2008-12-02 15:28:15
In this work, Jin Feng found the father of the student who killed one of his classmates
and was caught and executed. His father was too poor to give his son proper funeral. He gave the authorization to Jin Feng collect the ashes of his son and burry them in the ground of an art center in Shanghai.

[9楼] shanghai 2008-12-02 15:34:01
Confucius cries.

Last year, there were a lot of discussions on internet about how really Confucius looked like. Jin Feng use this topic to realize this installation of a Confucius crying until his face disappears...

[10楼] shanghai 2008-12-02 15:39:18

Jin Feng's new work

A cow on a pedestal. The floor covered with papers.
Thousands of people who have been lost their money in the stock market....

[11楼] shanghai 2008-12-02 15:41:17

Opening views....

[12楼] guest 2009-06-13 23:06:59
Thank you very much ! Truly eye opening
Nguyen Bao Tu - USA