发起人:楚楚  回复数:11   浏览数:3000   最后更新:2009/05/17 14:00:27 by guest
[楼主] 楚楚 2009-05-07 06:20:58
瑞士丐碗方案(the SBC project)5月1日正式启动

[沙发:1楼] guest 2009-05-07 11:16:00

瑞士丐碗方案(the SBC project)5月1日正式启动

《"Ten bowls" of the SBC project》为瑞士乞讨人员设计制作瑞士丐碗SBC(研发试用期间),瑞士洛桑SBC丐碗正式发布会和展示会分别定于6月10日和7月1日。由瑞士十位丐者试用并担任评估小组成员,出席展会(无报酬自愿参加,但可获赠丐碗一只,并可在会间乞讨)------


------About the concept and form of the SBC bowls

SBC: I named the bowls “SBC” an acronym for Swiss Bowl with a Cross and Swiss Beggars’ Ceramics. In the Bible, you can read that God changes humankind like a potter transforms the pots on the wheel by his hands. Maybe the first or the last wish of beggars is just wanting a little bit of “change” in life. “SBC” is also the old famous Swiss bank’s name; “Swiss Banks Corporation” not to mention the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), Christian denomination in USA. SBC is also the Secretariat of the Basel Convention (SBC) which works for Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal. It intrigues me that one abbreviation is used by many different organizations and they have some conceptual relation to each other.

The slot of cross: The bowls’ mouths are covered with a hole in the form of a cross as a slot. The Christ cross and Swiss cross is also a Chinese character “十” for “10” (Roman number “X” is also “10”). In china “10” symbolizes “complete and perfect”. There is only slot for throwing in money with no way out. If the beggars want to take out all money they will have to break the SBC bowls. (We also have some bowls that are better for taking out money.)

“Throwing, throwing and throwing ”: I am throwing the all SBC bowls with a pottery wheel. You can do the action of throwing changes of coins from slot of cross into the bowls. The bowls are sent to the beggars for begging, whom some think, God or society are throwing away in the world as waste or maybe they are sent to the people without jobs whose bosses are throwing out? (Propose the poster or invitation card to use the words “Throwing, throwing and throwing” for subtitle or slogan.)

(English reviser: Leah Anderson)

[板凳:2楼] guest 2009-05-10 00:37:59
[地板:3楼] guest 2009-05-10 01:55:05
SBC:我称瑞士丐碗为“SBC”,它是“瑞士十字碗”(Swiss Bowl of a Cross)和“瑞士乞丐陶瓷”( Swiss Beggars’ Ceramics) 的第一个字母的缩写。在圣经里你可以读到上帝改变人类就像陶者用双手改变陶轮上的陶泥坯胎。或许乞丐最初或最后的愿望就是多要点“零钱”(”change“也有改变的意思)。SBC也是瑞士一家历史悠久的老银行-瑞士银行集团(Swiss Banks Corporation(现在合并到UBS)的缩写,同时又是美最大基督新教会(the Southern Baptist Convention)的缩写,还是巴塞尔公约秘书处(the Secretariat of the Basel Convention)的缩写,该公约旨在控制危险废物越境转移及其处置。一个缩写被不同的机构或组织使用,其中又有观念上关联,这点激起了我的好奇心。

”拉坯(Throwing),投掷throwing (in ) ,扔弃throwing( away)": 我利用陶轮手工拉坯制作SBC碗。你可以通过十字孔掷币其中。丐碗将被送给乞丐(首批10人)使用。这些乞丐或 被认为是上帝及社会抛弃于世界的垃圾废物?或被遣送和处置?(建议邀请信和海报使用“Throwing ,throwing and throwing " 作为副标题和标语。)
徐洪波 2009年4月

[4楼] guest 2009-05-10 02:01:41
------A “china-artist” is making “SBC” for beggars in Switzerland
The “china (porcelain) -artist” from Shanghai, China makes Swiss bowl of a cross with china clay for beggars in Switzerland. The home town of the “china-artist” Xu Hongbo is Jingdezhen noted for its porcelain ( in English also called “china”). Jingdezhen is called the “porcelain capital of the world”. He finished his study in Jingdezhen Ceramics Institute and obtained a master’s degree for contemporary ceramics at Fine Art College of Shanghai University. The works of Xu Hongbo are always concerned with social issues and human relationships. Most of his works are made from china clay (porcelain) material of Jingdezhen. Two months ago he came to Vevey School CEPV for an art exchange. Xu Hongbo said, for him or most people in the world, Switzerland is like the bank of the world and that is similar to China with “china” (porcelain). As a “china-artist”, Hongbo wants to do something for the society of Switzerland with “china” ( porcelain). When he met beggars in Switzerland several times and saw people who said “hello” to them even if they didn’t give a cent to them and when he was reunited with his bag with computer and camera which was forgotten on the Swiss train, he decided what he wanted to do for Swiss society--Make bowls with china clay for beggars. Hongbo hopes the Swiss bowls with a cross can help beggars get more change (money) from people. For the first phase Hongbo will make 10 SBC (Swiss Bowl with a Cross) bowls for ten beggars. He will show the SBC bowls at the gallery l’artelier nearby the Church Cathedrale de Lausanne and invite the beggars to the opening.

[5楼] guest 2009-05-10 02:17:02

[quote]引用第2楼guest于2009-5-10 0:37:59发表的:

[6楼] guest 2009-05-10 02:28:24

[quote]引用第5楼guest于2009-5-10 2:17:02发表的:

[quote]引用第2楼guest于2009-5-10 0:37:59发表的:


紧接着国内DLZ 做兔鼠首方案,XNH做吃大碗饭行为,这应被看作善意的碰撞,关心形式外衣地下的问题应该更重要-------------------
[7楼] guest 2009-05-10 09:35:26
[8楼] guest 2009-05-10 12:38:03

[9楼] guest 2009-05-12 22:46:37

[10楼] guest 2009-05-17 05:17:56

没想到在工作室窗外楼梯下就是外来乞讨人员的“家”。我在窗前用电脑2个多月,一抬头就可见,怎么就没察觉呢?有人说他们早起晚归,所以不易看到。怎么现在他们白天还可留在窝里呢?听说日内瓦和沃州近来新出乞讨缴税法令,不交就赶出境。LEA说我几个月来在做丐碗方案,竟然没有发现抬眼就可见的乞丐据点,这是“great coincidence(巧合)!” 我说,上帝知道我在为乞丐做装coin(钱币)的丐碗,所以给我coin-cidence。(XBO) 


[11楼] guest 2009-05-17 14:00:27