洪东禄 开放工作室《小红快跑》
发起人:yoyo  回复数:0   浏览数:3356   最后更新:2005/03/09 05:12:32 by
[楼主] yoyo 2005-03-09 05:12:32

时间: 2005 年 3 月 12 日下午 2:00
地点:上海多伦现代美术馆 4 楼

Date: 2005.3.12, 2:00pm
Venue: 4F, Shanghai Duolun Museum of Modern Art
Artist: Hung Tung-Lu



真实。塑料人偶、批量印制的宗教图示、人造假花和人工布光都是真实的。如果不觉荒诞的话,以大写字母 N 开头的自然(Nature)正变得次要。人工制品如今已成为了一手现实。承载着各种各样的商业价值与意识形态,消费者决定了支配权与规则。


Xiao Hong run! Hung Tung-Lu creates images of new cult, cartoon and toys. Xiao Hong, the idol of digital times, with enormous speed runs into the the future.

A new icon means a new cult. But this cult of Hung's betrays a dubious nature. On the one hand, the image resembles a promotion gimmick in any display window of any boutique or department store. On the other hand, the dummy icon, as a new sign, has metaphorically replaced traditional, orthodox religious beliefs and values. The Christian image - out of focus, blurry and remote - has been pushed into the background. Literally speaking, the consumer logic takes over. Subculture takes the lead. Commerce becomes religion and religion commercialised. So far, this cult is about the making and rising of "false" god(s). As shown in Hung's works, cartoon and video stars become the false goddesses.

Reality. Plastic dummies, mass-printed religious icons, artificial flowers and electrical lighting are all real. Nature with a capital N is becoming secondary, if not a myth yet. Synthetic artificial commodities are now the first-hand reality. Heavily loaded with commercial values and ideologies of all kinds, consumer products dominate and rule.

This workshop is a part of our current exhibition “Shanghai Cool – Creative Reproduction” international art exhibition. This workshop is an excellent opportunity to gain deeper insight into the work as well as an opportunity to meet and talk with the artist Hung Tung-Lu.

* 欢迎携带你的家人及朋友来参加我们免费开放的教育工作室!
*Please feel free to bring friends and family to our education workshop!

上海多伦现代美术馆 ( 多伦路27号 ) Shanghai Duolun Museum of Modern Art No.27 Duolun Rd. , 200081
Tel: +86 (0)21 65875996