发起人:嘿鬼妹  回复数:1   浏览数:2007   最后更新:2006/10/12 17:31:00 by
[楼主] 嘿鬼妹 2006-10-04 12:58:45
展览时间: 2006年9月22日至11月27日
由 MACBA, Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona制作, 和Manuel J. Borja-Villel策划.


从60年代中期到70年代末,社会大变化带来了“范式”的一些变化.以前,我们理解和感知能力的基本元素是视觉,自从80年代这个慢慢被艺术制作的语言结构代替了.视觉,或视力,保证艺术种类的独立性,它们本性的寻找和它们的"它者" 的取消.但,"范式"的变化再引进叙事,成形,戏剧化,而使观众变成一个"代理人",把主体变成作品的结构的一个元素.

这个变化就让艺术不再被认为是一个物体而一个建立. 时间的多样化替代了空间的统一化.

参加艺术家:Chantal Akerman, Eugenia Balcells, John Baldessari, Stanley Brouwn, James Coleman, Oyvind Fahlstrom, Dan Graham, Joaquim Jorda, Antoni Llena, Anish Kapoor, Mike Kelley, Cildo Meireles, Mario Merz, Herminio Molero, Juan Munoz, Raimundo Patino, Cierna Pavlina Fichta, Manolo Quejido, Jo Spence o Krzystof Wodiczko. Maja Bajevic, Danica Dakic, Tacita Dean and Gabriel Orozco, 等.

MACBA, Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona
Placa dels Angels, 1
08001 Barcelona, Spain

From the mid-sixties to the end of the seventies, the profound transformations that took place in our society brought with them a change in paradigm. While the basic element that had constituted our system of perception and understanding until that time had been vision, from the eighties this was gradually replaced by recognition of the linguistic structure of artistic production. Vision, or optical perception, had guaranteed modernity the autonomy of artistic species, the search for their specific nature and the cancellation of any kind of “otherness”; but the change of paradigm re-introduced narrative, figuration and theatricality, transforming the spectator into an “agent” and treating the subject as a structural element of the piece. In other words, room was made for the “other” that would no longer be hijacked by that “universal vision” required until then by modernity.

This change also led to art no longer being considered a mere object but rather something to be appreciated as an institution, with the consequent recognition of its discursive nature and of the possibility that elements not necessarily artistic (such as gender and social issues) could be considered an area for intervention. In short, the diversity of time replaced the uniformity of space.

Some of the works and artists included in this new presentation already formed part of MACBA collections, but there have also been a huge number of new acquisitions in 2006 through purchases made by the MACBA Foundation, deposits and donations. The novelties presented this year in the MACBA Collection are intended to demonstrate this change in paradigm through works by Chantal Akerman, Eugènia Balcells, John Baldessari, Stanley Brouwn, James Coleman, ?yvind Fahlstr?m, Dan Graham, Joaquim Jordà, Antoni Llena, Anish Kapoor, Mike Kelley, Cildo Meireles, Mario Merz, Herminio Molero, Juan Mu?oz, Raimundo Pati?o, Cierna Pavlina Fichta, Manolo Quejido, Jo Spence o Krzystof Wodiczko. The exhibition also presents artists who, from a position in current artistic production, continue to expand upon those ideas that led to the change in paradigm, namely Maja Bajevic, Danica Dakic, Tacita Dean and Gabriel Orozco, among others.
[沙发:1楼] 职业顶贴帅哥 2006-10-12 17:31:00
我是职业顶贴的帅哥! 大家伙儿都很喜欢我! 我们的理想是————消灭O回复!!!