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[楼主] guesτ 2006-07-28 03:55:28

作者:佚名   文章来源:艺术新闻  


电话:021-6352 0256

Seeking Magical Vision in Reality---Photographer Show by Ji Domg

Works by photographer, Ji Dong, a journalist, are formatted in an amazing and amiable magic and play, combining personal concept with non-reality. See the photos, they are so empty, uncertain, full of distortion. It is admirable for his dare to show timidness, greed, humbleness and simplicity. He is different, he differs by his works, speaking differently from other ideology photos.
Poem is metaphor, narration is direct. Works by Ji Dong is metaphor images. It is not difficult to sense the spectral type life of metropolis, distorted, airy, nonobjective, but most true situation. The swimming ring, a symbol of this bank to that bank, explains loneliness, eagerness and emptiness in human spirit.
He grasped the soul of methods and skills of photography for he majored in photography, he is a journalist, owning a job enriching himself with unique vision and occupation sensibility. He shows the true life through “false shot”, bringing reader surprise and nice eye enjoyment. He has a pair of cold eyes of penetrability, for cool observation and deep criticism.
In the works of Swimming Ring, there are multi symbols in his works. They are dreams in dreams,
yearning back to life and dream, but life and dream are so twisted. “Cat”, “Deformed Underwear”,
“Wide and Empty City”, “special Colored Sky” all appear in front of a window, a symbol of eye.
Sponsor: Hangzhou Faniya Wine Co.,LTD
Opening Reception: 18:58 , August 18th , 2006
Exhibition Period: August 18th-September 1st , 2006 (15:00-23:00)
Venue: The Room With a View, 12th F. No. 479 Nanjing Rd (E), Shanghai
More info:021- 6352 0256 [email]hollyzhao@online.sh.cn

寻找现实都市的魔幻空间 ——姬东观念摄影解析

Seeking Magical Vision in Reality
--- Analysis of Ji Dong’s Photography
By Matita
When human culture and art step into modern times of information and electronic world, it actually enter a late modern language environment. Common culture disappear silently and what is replacing is a multi new and more complicated art. That new art slips, and finally stands and sit on the solemn art palace since it advocated primary foreign pioneering art and dissolved itself. Afterwards, the modern photography art of China also approached into a new kingdom with continuous practice, changes and development.
It broke through the traditional fences of single expression. It tends more and more commonalty and innermost being, based on the real records. Vision art emphasizes current ground people’s life or edge life quite most people are having. You can not deny it is a true experience. Technology is important, but its importance fades in showing true life style and psychology in magic vision arts. Gu Zheng, vice director of vision culture research center of Fu Dan University ever said “concept photographers keep close relation with life by photography through extensive angles, they boom their levels of showing body and culture, history and memory, power and life. In this process, their flexibility is obvious, you can only feel that photography is a thing endless and worthy of practice for long and long life.”
Works by photographer, Ji Dong, a journalist, are formatted in an amazing and amiable magic and play, combining personal concept with non-reality. See the photos, they are so empty, uncertain, full of distortion. It is admirable for his dare to show timidness, greed, humbleness and simplicity. He is different, he differs by his works, speaking differently from other ideology photos.
Poem is metaphor, narration is direct. Works by Ji Dong is metaphor images. It is not difficult to sense the spectral type life of metropolis, distorted, airy, nonobjective, but most true situation. The swimming ring, a symbol of this bank to that bank, explains loneliness, eagerness and emptiness in human spirit.
He grasped the soul of methods and skills of photography for he major